2024-08-19 Skills & Thrills Facilitation Proposal

Training will be offered as part of the Skills & Thrills process to help increase the number of facilitators in the community
2024-07-15 Master Deed Revision Proposal and Blocking Process Proposal for the Book of Agreements

Aligns the Master deed with our current practices around blocking
2024-05-20 Proposal to Alternate All-In-Person & All-Remote Community Business Meetings

We propose to alternate in-person and virtual community meetings instead of being all virtual.
2022-04-13 Process minutes

Process Committee Mtgn7-8pm ZoomnMembers: BeckyH , JilliannPresent: Becky H, Jillian, JeffnnAgenda:n1. Checkinsn2. Task reviewn3. Next work season ne...
2022-03-16 Process minutes

Process Committee Mtgn7-8:15pm ZoomnMembers: BeckyH , JilliannPresent: BeckyH, Jillian, JeffnnAgenda:n1. Checkinsn2. Task reviewn3. Next work season...
2022-02-16 Process minutes

2/16/22nProcess Committee Mtgn7-8:15pm ZoomnMembers: Becky H, JilliannPresent: Becky H, Jillian, WilliennAgenda:n1. Checkinsn2. Task reviewn3. Report ...
2022-01-20 Process minutes

1/20/22nProcess Committee Mtgn7-8pm ZoomnMembers: BeckyH , JilliannPresent: Becky H, JilliannnAgenda:n1. Checkinsn2. Task reviewn3. Skills and Thrills...
2021-12-16 Process minutes

12/15/21nProcess Committee Mtgn7-8:15pm ZoomnMembers: BeckyH, JilliannPresent: Becky H, Jillian, Jeff HnnAgenda:n1. Checkinsn2. Task reviewn3. Skills ...
2021-09-15 Process minutes

(trying sending again, did not go through the first time)n9/15/21nProcess Committee Mtgn7-8:30pm ZoomnMembers: BeckyH, JilliannPresent: Becky H, Jillian, Syndallas, CatherinennAgenda:n1. Checkinsn2. Skills and Thrills next stepsn3. Task Review / Work season next stepsn4. Next meetingn
2021-09-15 Process minutes

(trying sending again, did not go through the first time)n9/15/21nProcess Committee Mtgn7-8:30pm ZoomnMembers: BeckyH, JilliannPresent: Becky H, Jillian, Syndallas, CatherinennAgenda:n1. Checkinsn2. Skills and Thrills next stepsn3. Task Review / Work season next stepsn4. Next meetingn
2021-09-15 Process minutes

9/15/21nProcess Committee Mtgn7-8:30pm ZoomnMembers: BeckyH, JilliannPresent: Becky H, Jillian, Syndallas, CatherinennAgenda:n1. Checkinsn2. Skills and Thrills next stepsn3. Task Review / Work season next stepsn4. Next meetingn
2021-09-15 Process minutes

(trying sending again, did not go through the first time)n9/15/21nProcess Committee Mtgn7-8:30pm ZoomnMembers: BeckyH, JilliannPresent: Becky H, Jillian, Syndallas, CatherinennAgenda:n1. Checkinsn2. Skills and Thrills next stepsn3. Task Review / Work season next stepsn4. Next meetingn
2021-09-15 Process minutes

9/15/21nProcess Committee Mtgn7-8:30pm ZoomnMembers: BeckyH, JilliannPresent: Becky H, Jillian, Syndallas, CatherinennAgenda:n1. Checkinsn2. Skills and Thrills next stepsn3. Task Review / Work season next stepsn4. Next meetingn
2021-08-18 Process minutes

8/18/21nProcess Committee Mtgn7pm ZoomnMembers: Becky H, Jillian (Patti has moved north! (sniffle!))nPresent: Becky H, JilliannnAgenda:n1. Checkinsn2. Task Reviewn3. Next work season next stepsn4. Skills and Thrillsn5. Changing the word Monkey, cont'dn6. Process google drive account questionn7. Next meetingn
2021-07-14 Process minutes

7/14/21nProcess Committee Mtgn7-8pm via ZoomnMembers: BeckyH , Jillian, PattinPresent: Becky H, Jillian. Patti has moved north! (sniffle!)n
2021-06-15 Process minutes

6/15/21nProcess Committee MtgnMembers: BeckyH , Jillian & PattinnAgenda:nCheck-insnMonkey ReviewnRE-MONKEY: Patti followup with Nikki to get Steer...
2021-05-12 Process minutes

5/12/21nProcess Committee MtgnPresent: BeckyH , Jillian & PattinnAgenda:nCheck-insnMonkey ReviewnRE-MONKEY: Patti followup with Nikki to get Steer...
2021-04-21 Process minutes

4/21/21Process Committee MtgnMembers: BeckyH , Jillian & PattinAgendanMonkey ReviewnRE-MONKEY: Patti followup with Nikki to get Steering agreement...
2021-01-14 Process minutes

1/14/21n Committee Mtgn7pm ZoomnPresent: Becky H , Jillian & PattinnAgenda:nCheck-insnUpdate on Steer...
2020-11-11 Process minutes

Process Committee Mtg, 11/11/20n7pm ZoomnPresent: Jillian & PattinnAgenda:nCheck-insnMonkey ReviewnProcess ProjectsnNext work season clarify and u...
2020-07-20 Revised Agreement Reconsideration Agreement

A clearer process for revising previous community or empowered-committee decisions. The agreement removes the previous requirement of a minimum of six households to re-open discussion of an agreement, and outlines steps for seeking reconsideration of a decision, including meeting with the Process committee and relevant committee, and writing a new proposal incorporating feedback from the community.
2020-06-10 Process minutes

Process Committee Mtgn7pm ZoomnPresent: Jillian & PattinnAgenda:nCheck-insnMonkey ReviewnProcess ProjectsnNext Process meetingnDid not get to:nCooler:nRefreshing Policy Momentsn
2020-05-21 Process minutes

*Process Committee Mtg 5/21/20*7pm, ZOOMnPresent: Jillian & PattinnAgenda:nCheck-insnMonkey ReviewnProcess ProjectsnNext Process meetingn_________...
2020-03-08 Process minutes

Tri-community facilitator’s meetingn3/8/2020n1-2:30pmnnPresent: Rick (TS), Elph (GO), Jillian (GO), Sarah (GO), Jill (TS), Sandran(SW), Patti (...
2019-12-19 Process minutes

12/19/2019nMini-meeting, Process and F&L Committees Mtgn7:30pm, CH sitting roomnPresent: Patti, Jillian, Debbi, AmynnAgenda:nSkills & Thrills,...
2019-12-15 Process minutes

12/15/2019nProcess and F&L Committees Mtgn7pmnPresent: Patti, Jillian, Debbi, Becky, Amy,nnAgenda:nCheck-insnSkills & ThrillsnReview 122/219 F...
2019-12-08 Process minutes

12/8/19nProcess Committee Mtgn4:30-5:30, #18nPresent: Jillian, Patti, Jennifer, Sandra Greenstone via phonennAgenda:n• Skills and Thrillsn•...
2019-12-02 Process minutes

12/2/19nSkills & Thrills Planning for January 2020 - 12-2-19nPresent:nF&L: Debbi, Becky, AmynProcess: PattinDates:nSaturday, January 11nSunda...
2019-11-20 Process minutes

11/20/19nProcess Committee Mtgn7pm, unit 18nPresent: Patti, JilliannnAgenda:n1.Check-insn2.Next Process meetingna. Update from Jennifer?n3. Monkey Rev...
2019-11-10 Process minutes

11/10/19nTri-community facilitators’ groupnGO CH sitting roomn12pm-2pmnJililan, Patti, Elph, Olas, Mary King, AndrewnnHot cider on the stove in ...
2019-11-07 Process minutes

11/7/19nProcess Committee Mtgn7-8:45pm, Sitting RoomnPresent: Jillian, Patti, Bennie, AnniennAgenda:nCheck-insnBrief checkin about all our upcoming ev...
2019-10-15 Process minutes

10/15/2019nProcess cmtee meeting together with CRCn6:45-8:30 pm CH sitting roomnPresent: Yi-miau, Patti, Jillian, Bob, Terrence, Susan (by phone)nnAgenda:n1.CRC’s plan/support for the next season; present at a community meetingn2.Next meetingn
2019-09-08 Process minutes

9/8/2019nProcess cmtee meetingn4-5:30 pm, CH dining roomnPresent: Patti, Yi-miau, JilliannnAgenda:n1.Check-insn2.Monkey Reviewn3. BOA minutes updaten4...
2019-08-13 Process minutes

8/13/2019nProcess cmtee meetingn7-8:45pm, CH north pationPresent: Jillian, PattinnAgenda:n1.Check-insn2.Monkey Reviewn3.Aug 18 community meetingn4.CRC...
2019-07-11 Process minutes

7/11/2019nProcess cmtee meetingn7-8pm, CH sitting roomnPresent: Patti, Jillian, BobnnAgenda:nCheck-insnMonkey ReviewnAmbassador to TSnCRCnDiversity vi...
2019-06-20 Process minutes

6/20/2019nProcess cmtee meetingn6:45-8:15pm, CH sitting roomnPresent: Patti, Bob, Jillian, Mary King for first 10 minutesnnAgenda:n1.Check-insn2. Monk...
2019-06-20 Process minutes

6/20/2019nProcess cmtee meetingn6:45-8:15pm, CH sitting roomnPresent: Patti, Bob, Jillian, Mary King for first 10 minutesnnAgenda:n1.Check-insn2. Monk...
2019-05-15 Process minutes

5/15/2019nProcess cmtee meetingn7-8:15pm, CH sitting roomnPresent: Jillian, Patti, Bob, Yi-miau for partnnAgenda:n1.Check-insn2. Monkey Reviewn3. Kids...
2019-04-10 Process minutes

4/10/2019nProcess cmtee meetingn7-8:15pm, CH sitting roomnPresent: Jillian, Patti, BobnnAgenda:n1.Check-insn2. Monkey Reviewn3. Standing aside and blo...
2019-03-27 Process minutes

3/27/2019nProcess cmtee meetingn7-8:30pm, unit 18nPresent: Jillian, Bob, Patti, Willie for one item, Yi-miau for one item,nSarah (remotely) for one itemnnAgenda:n1.Check-insn2. Monkey Reviewn3. Book of agreements check in with Willie and Yi-miaun4. Agenda planner check in with Sarahn5. Next steps, next work season jobsn6. Next meetingn
2019-03-27 Process minutes

3/27/2019nProcess cmtee meetingn7-8:30pm, unit 18nPresent: Jillian, Bob, Patti, Willie for one item, Yi-miau for one item,nSarah (remotely) for one itemnnAgenda:n1.Check-insn2. Monkey Reviewn3. Book of agreements check in with Willie and Yi-miaun4. Agenda planner check in with Sarahn5. Next steps, next work season jobsn6. Next meetingn
2019-03-18 Committee Effectiveness Proposal with Convenor and Member Responsibilities

A revised Committee Effectiveness agreement to strengthen the Great Oak committee system by giving specific direction to committees on how to effectively function and fulfill their mandates. This is intended to institute best practices for committees to follow in three major areas, namely Committee Mandates, Roles and Responsibilities, and Questions, Concerns, and Controversial Decisions.
2019-02-24 Process minutes

Tri-community facilitator's brunchn2/24/2019nTS CHn12:30-2pmnnPresent: Dolores, Patti, Jillian, OlasnnAGENDAn1. Check insn2. Hearing about the last Fa...
2019-02-20 Process minutes

2/20/2019nProcess cmtee meetingn7-8:30pm, CH sitting roomnPresent: Patti, Bob, JilliannnAgenda:n1.Check-insn2. Monkey Reviewn3. Any additional feedback for work committee’s questions / Next worknseason jobs / Next work season preassignmentsn4. Any followup from Monday’s meeting discussionn5. Prep for our next agenda item re continuing Sat meetings or non6. Choose, assign, and request time for a refreshing policy momentn7. F&L request that one or more of us attend their next meeting, 2/27 7-8pmn8. Next Meetingn
2019-01-23 Process minutes

Thanks Jillian,nnI have a suggestion for a question that could be used in a sharing circle:nnWhat are issues and concerns that need to be addressed in...
2019-01-23 Process minutes

1/23/2019nProcess cmtee meetingn7-8:30pm, unit 18nPresent: Patti, Bob, JilliannnAgendan1.Check-insn2. Monkey Reviewn3. Request for Member Resources fu...
2018-12-03 Process minutes

Tri community facilitator's brunch 12/2/2018nnGO CHnn12:30-2pmnnPresent: Jillian, Olas, Patti, Elph, LeslinnAGENDAnn1.Check insnn2. Announcementsnn3. ...
2018-10-25 Process minutes

10/25/2018nProcess cmtee meetingn7-8:30pm, unit 18nPresent: Jillian, PattinnAgendan1.Check-insn2.Monkey Reviewn3. Book of Agreements and missing minutes - any updaten4.Microphone updaten5. Alternative meeting issue - 1/2/19 and 12/5/18n6.Skills and Thrillsn7.Next steps on bringing back convenor guidelines and cmtee effectivenessnproposal - see discussion 7/16/18 GO meeting, and our draft google docn8. Next meetingsn(did not get to items 9 + 10)n
2018-10-04 Process minutes

Minutes of 10-4-2018 Skill and Thrill ad-hoc group meetingnnAttendee: John Weiss (from Neutral Zone), Yi-Miau Tsai, Kelly Clark, SusannKing, Emily Ada...
2018-10-02 Process minutes

Skills/Thrills planning committee meeting minutes 10/2nPresent: Emily, Susan, Sharon, Tevah, Kellynn1. Determine if we need more time to plan the skil...
2018-10-02 Process minutes

Thanks for the updates, was there an email going out to talk? I might havenmissed it.nnYi-MiaunnOn Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 12:32 PM Emily Adama <emil...
2018-10-02 Process minutes

Good morning,nnI'm just checking to see if the Skills and Thrills weekend is stillnhappening? If so, is the schedule the same?nn*The skills/thrills w...
2018-10-02 Process minutes

Hi Mary,nSo far the* Saturday morning meeting 10-12 (Nov3) and **Sunday afternoonnbasketball game 230-330 (Nov 4) **are happening. *The Zap Zone may ...
2018-09-16 Process minutes

Tri community facilitator's brunch 9/16/2018nTouchstone cohousingn12:30-2pmnnPresent: Maggi (TS), Ralph (SW), Patti (GO), Jillian (GO), Elph (GO),nDol...
2018-09-16 Process minutes

Tri community facilitator's brunch 9/16/2018nTouchstone cohousingn12:30-2pmnnPresent: Maggi (TS), Ralph (SW), Patti (GO), Jillian (GO), Elph (GO),nDol...
2018-09-12 Process minutes

Skills&Thrills/Teen Inclusion meeting minutes from 9/12/18nnPresent: Emily, Mary King, Bob, Marta, Yi-miau, Tevah, Sharon, Bobnn*Discuss date/time...
2018-08-28 Process minutes

8/28/2018nProcess cmtee meetingn7-8:30nPresent: Patti, Bob, JilliannnAgendan1.Check-insn2.Monkey Reviewn3.Check-in on preassignmentsn4.Skills and Thri...
2018-08-12 Process minutes

8/12/2018nProcess cmtee meetingn7-8:30nPresent: Patti, Bob, JilliannnAgendan1.Check-insn2.Monkey Reviewn3.Decide next work season jobs (Nov 1 - April 30); assign check-in fornpreassignments/n4.Discuss/decide next work season meeting dates, see email from Mary Kingnre budget datesn5.Work on what we want to present at Aug 20 cmty meeting:n- Next steps on bringing back convenor guidelines and committeeneffectiveness proposal (see discussion 7/16/18 GO meeting) ORn- Next steps on CH misuse related agenda item? The CH misuse discussionnsteps we had outlined:no DONE, 5/19/18: Allowing people to share feelings around thenissues happening in the common house, maybe: “How are you feeling aboutnthe misuse of the common house, and about the potential step of adding ancamera to the hallway?”no DONE, 6/6/18: CH cmtee to have a chance to share its thoughtnprocess and perspective - ask them to please fill us in what was yournthought process, what is your context, what needs were you trying tonaddress, what is past history and successes you’ve had with related Community discussing the needs and coming up with a newnproposal(s)no In general our process for going direct, which includesntalking with committees when you have an issue, and then next step afternthat has been tried, is full community - help make sure a different processnhappens next time. Is it helpful to start with this or end with this? AND in general our process for empowered Creating a culture of Inclusion of teensn6. Membership cmtee item for Aug 20 re FIC videon7. Membership cmtee item for Aug 20 re new buyersn8.Skills and Thrills, any next steps needed by Process to help the ad hocngroup?n9. Next meetingsnDid not discuss: Other community meeting agenda items, next steps:nReturning to Cmty discussion about current Blocking guidelinesnnn2. MonkeysnBringing chocolate for the two community meetings a month.nRe-MONKEY Sarah to share their handouts and powerpoint for the facilitationntraining to the Process cmtee google folder in drive. (See 3/19/16 Processnminutes)(Feb 2016 Training)nONGOING MONKEY: at each facilitator brunch: could ask facilitators - whennthere’s a new proposal, or discussion of any new idea, ask for questions,nthen ask for positive reflections about it, before they go into discussionnof concerns.nONGOING MONKEY: Schedule a few refreshing policy moments:nBlocking? Refreshing policy moment but also more discussion probably.nParkingnExpectations for interacting with visitors (from New Member Packet)nCleaning up after yourself in the CH / Expectations for teen and youth cmtynwork, CH access, and supervisionnReview of GO proposal and decision-making processes and revisiting decisionsnOverview of BOA and how to search for agreements - demonMinutes must be emailed to their minutes email address for the BOA and tontalk.nRE-MONKEY: Jillian will add to the BOA updater job description, tracking ifncommittees are sending in minutes, and if community meeting minutes are innthere too.nCOOLER: Jillian will add Vice President (infoco convenor) and Secretaryn(process convenor) into the mandate and email out new copy - BUT checknwith Debbi first to makes sure it is correct, F&L may change this anyway.nRe-MONKEY even though DONE - had no response: Jillian will check in withnbuildings, see if they would be willing to present to the community aboutnthe committee structure they have been tryingnRe-MONKEY: Jillian to ask Sarah and Mary if they would share the actualngoogle docs and slides of their consensus refresher presentation withnProcess, not just the PDFs, if they are willing.nMONKEY: Jillian will look up what we already do have in writing aboutnblocks and bring to next process meeting so we can shape a discussionnagenda item for an upcoming community meeting.nRe-MONKEY: process to modify our mandate template to add method of decisionnmaking?nDONE: Jillian will turn committee effectiveness proposal into google doc,nwe can edit it. Plop in convenor stuff and we can put it together.nMONKEY: Jillian will ask for agenda time for CH misuse next stepsndiscussion for Aug 20. If agenda is light can ask for cmtee effectivenessnproposal too.nMONKEY: Jillian will email out process job related stuff as needed, betweennnow and our next meeting.nMONKEY: Jillian will email facilitators and talknMONKEY: Bob will email CRC to see if they will continuenMONKEY: Current cmtee members are willing to continue but Jillian willncheck signup requests from last seasonnMONKEY: Jillian will enter jobs into online systemnMONKEY: Jillian will email Work and Meals about Saturday meetingsnMONKEY: Bob will email Mary King a heads up about the time issues for Augn20 and the membership questions for FIC video.nn3.Decide next work season jobs (Nov 1 - April 30); assign check-in fornpreassignments/nNov: 4 facilnDec: 3 facilnJan: 3 facilnFeb: 3 facilnMarch: 3 facilnApril: 3 faciln19 facil slotsn12 minute takersn5 alt meeting leadersnnPreassignments:nMONKEY: Jillian will email facilitatorsnMONKEY: Bob will email CRC to see if they will continuenMONKEY: Current cmtee members are willing to continue but Jillian willncheck signup requests from last seasonnMONKEY: Jillian wil enter jobs into online systemnn4. Next work season (Nov 1 - April 30) meeting datesnnWed 11/7 is a budget meetingnMon 11/19 is a budget meetingnWed 12/5nMon 12/17nWed Jan 1/2nSATURDAY Jan 19 10-11:30nFeb 6nFeb 18nSATURDAY March 9 10-11:30nMarch 18nApril 3nApril 15nnMONKEY: Jillian will email Work and Meals about Saturday meetingsnn
2018-07-18 Process minutes

7/18/2018nProcess cmtee meetingn7-8:30nPresent: Jillian, Bob, PattinnAgendan-Check-insn-Monkey Reviewn-Convenor job description, next steps after Mond...
2018-05-08 Process minutes

5/8/2018nProcess cmtee meetingnCH sitting room, 7-7:55pmnPresent: Jillian, Patti, BobnnAgendann1. Check-insn2. Monkey Reviewn3. Blocking - next refres...
2018-04-15 Process minutes

Hi all, was good to meet today, let me know if I missed anything / anynedits, thanks! -Jilliann
2018-04-13 Process minutes

4/13/2018nProcess cmtee meetingn12-1, Raja RaninPresent: Jillian, Bob, PattinnAgendanCheck-insnMonkey ReviewnAny April training next stepsnWork season...
2018-03-22 Process minutes

3/22/2018nProcess cmtee meetingn7-8:30pm, CH sitting roomnPresent: Jillian, Bob, Patti, Sarah by dial-innnAgendan1. Check-insn2. Monkey Reviewn3. Any April training next stepsn4. Skills and Thrills - follow idea for June (discussed at 3/10/18 cmtynmeeting) or change directionn5. Next meeting(s) currently scheduled for: Monday April 2, 7pm (at unitn18; the CH is booked), and Monday, April 30, 7pm, CH sitting roomnn2. MonkeysnBringing chocolate for the two community meetings a month.nMONKEY Jillian to provide workshop with Process on scheduling facilitationnRe-MONKEY Sarah to share their handouts and powerpoint to the Process cmteengoogle folder in drive. (See 3/19/16 Process minutes)(Feb 2016 Training)nONGOING MONKEY: at each facilitator brunch: could ask facilitators - whennthere’s a new proposal, or discussion of any new idea, ask for questions,nthen ask for positive reflections about it, before they go into discussionnof concerns.nONGOING MONKEY: Let’s schedule a few refreshing policy moments:nParkingnExpectations for interacting with visitors (from New Member Packet)nCleaning up after yourself in the CH / Expectations for teen and youth cmtynwork, CH access, and supervisionnReview of GO proposal and decision-making processes and revisiting decisionsnOverview of BOA and how to search for agreements - demonMinutes must be emailed to their minutes email address for the BOA and tontalk.nRE-MONKEY: Jillian will add to the BOA updater job description, tracking ifncommittees are sending in minutes, and if community meeting minutes are innthere too.nCOOLER: Jillian will add Vice President (infoco convenor) and Secretaryn(process convenor) into the mandate and email out new copy - BUT checknwith Debbi first to makes sure it is correct, F&L may change this anyway.nRE-MONKEY: all of us to read through the vision and see what ideas fornskills and thrills are in there.nDONE - Sarah will send out an email about the April alternative meeting -nneeds to be a meeting that does not need a facilitator, minute taker, ornchild care.nDONE: Sarah will draft an email about facilitation volunteers for April, tonsend to certain TSers, and will show it to us and F&L.nDONE: Jillian will email facilitators next season and work onnpre-assignments.nDONE: Sarah will email CRC, and will email to seek volunteer facilitatorsnfor April.nRe-MONKEY: We need to create an agenda item for blocking processes, for anninfo discussion item, then from that we can craft a proposal. Jillian willnemail Yi-miau and ask her to put it in the queue.nDONE: Sarah accidentally did not include Mary King and Daniel in hernmessage in February to the ad hoc committee improvement group - Sarah willnforward to them and let PRocess know what she finds out, and how we cannhelp get a discussion started again.nDONE: Sarah will send out an email about the skills and thrills idea.nMONKEY: Jillian will bring the list back to the April 2 process meeting andnwe’ll shape it further APril 16 presentation.nMONKEY: Jillian will ask for some time on 4/16 meeting.nMONKEY: Jillian will check in with buildings, see if they would be willingnto present to the community about the committee structure they have beenntryingnnn
2018-03-04 Process minutes

3/4/2018nProcess cmtee meetingn6:30-8:30pm, CH sitting roomnPresent: Sarah, Bob, Patti, JilliannnAgendan1. Check-insn2. Monkeysn3. April process work ...
2018-02-02 Process minutes

2/2/2018n12-1pm, New Raja Rani restaurantnPresent: Jillian, Patti, Bob, SarahnnAGENDA:n1. Checkins - upcoming travelsn2. Monkey reviewn3. BOA update, ...
2018-01-28 Process minutes

Tri-community facilitator's brunchn1/28/18n12-1:30nPresent: Jillian (GO), Lesli (TS), Yi-miau (GO), Ralph (SW), Mary Kingn(GO), Dalinda (SW), Wendy (T...
2017-12-21 Process minutes

12/21/2017n7-830:pm, CH sitting roomnPresent: Jillian, Patti, Bob, Yi-miaunnAGENDA:nCheckinsnMonkey reviewnNext community meetingnNext work seasonnNex...
2017-11-13 Process minutes

11/13/2017n7-8:30pm, CH sitting roomnPresent: Jillian, Patti, Bob, Amy H for partnnAGENDA:n1. Checkinsn2. Monkey reviewn3. Discuss/assist Amy H (facil) about Nov 20 community meeting agendan4. Jobs next work seasonn5. Next steps, Mary and Sarah training?n6. Next steps on committee structure conversationn7. Next meetingsnDid not get to thesenIdeas from reading visionnNext steps on Skills and ThrillsnNext steps re having Sarah skype in to the Sept 18 meeting - createnguidelines?nn
2017-10-30 Process minutes

10/30/2017n7-8:30pm, CH sitting roomnPresent: Jillian, Patti, BobnnAGENDA:n1.Checkinsn2. Monkey reviewn3. Mary and Sarah trainingn4. Next steps on trying another Saturday meetingn5. Next steps on committee structure conversationn6. Next steps on Skills and Thrillsn7. Next meetingnDid not get to: Next steps re having Sarah skype in to the Sept 18 meetingn- create guidelines?nn
2017-10-29 Process minutes

sorry, realized the initial draft never went out to the BOA address,nthanks, -Jilliann
2017-10-03 Process minutes

10/3/2017n6:30-7:45pm, CH north patio and unit 18nPresent: Jillian, Patti, Bob, Sarah, DebbinnAGENDA:n1.Checkinsn2. Monkey reviewn3. Saturday’s meeting - who from Process can be there?n4. Discuss next steps on committee structure conversation with Debbin5. Committee effectiveness training in Novembern6. Next meetingn(did not get to this) Discuss how it went to have Sarah skype in to thenSept 18 meetingn(did not get to this) Discuss next steps on Skills and Thrills - idea fornGrounds related master planning weekend?nn
2017-09-17 Process minutes

9/17/2017n4-5pm, CH sitting roomnPresent: Jillian, Sarah, BobnnAGENDA:n1.Checkinsn2.Monkey reviewn3.Update on Mary/Sarah process trainingn4.Process bu...
2017-08-28 Process minutes

Hi all, Process minutes below - I apologize I had not announced thenmeeting! But our next three meeting dates are in the minutes. :) -Jilliannn8/28/20...
2017-08-10 Process minutes

8/10/2017n7-8:30pmnPresent: Jillian, Patti, Yi-miau, SarahnnAGENDA:n1. Checkinsn2. Monkeysn3. BOA work with Yi-miaun4. Process agenda item for 8/21/17...
2017-07-20 Process minutes

7/20/2017n11:45-1pmnPresent: Patti, Sarah, JilliannnAGENDA:nCheckinsnMonkeysnDebrief on community meeting, Process Mandate and Goals item 7/17/17nNext work season and Sarah’s participationnFacilitator brunch at GO on 8/13nNext meetingnnPotential agenda items:n-Craft agenda item for community discussion about committee convenorship,nas requested of Process cmteen-Next steps on spending the $500 we have for facil training? Mary and Sarahnperhaps plan somethingn-Refreshing policy moments schedulingn-Meeting time next steps - idea to experiment with moving one meeting innfall to Saturday just to try, without big rearrangementnn2. ONGOING MONKEYS:nBringing chocolate for the two community meetings a month.nCOOLER: Once the GO contacts database is in MESS, Sarah may enter the infonwe gathered at a community meeting in January 2016 about how members wantnto be contacted, in to the MESS system.nRe-MONKEY: Mary and Sarah to share their handouts and powerpoint to thenProcess cmtee google folder in drive. (See 3/19/16 Process minutes)nRe-MONKEY: SEPT 18, 2017 meeting - Sarah will be in Iowa - one Processnperson work with Sarah so she can skpye in as testnRe-MONKEY: Sarah will read through the 3/21/16 parking minutes and suggestnnext steps for a follow up discussion at an upcoming meeting.nRe-MONKEY for next facilitator brunch: could ask facilitators - whennthere’s a new proposal, or discussion of any new idea, ask for questions,nthen ask for positive reflections about it, before they go into discussionnof concerns.nRe-MONKEY: Let’s schedule a few refreshing policy moments:nParkingnCleaning up after yourself in the CH / Expectations for teen and youth cmtynwork, CH access, and supervisionnReview of GO proposal and decision-making processes and revisiting decisionsnOverview of BOA and how to search for agreements - demonMinutes must be emailed to their minutes email address for the BOA and tontalk.nRe-MONKEY: Jillian will ask Willie about the BOA - if we want to mark ancompleted agreement in a particular way - what does he suggest?nRE-MONKEY: Sarah got a csv file of GO roster from Tom, as next step on thenmeeting time survey question. Idea is a starting place of a list for whonlives at GO to collect attendance statistics.nRE-MONKEY: Request time on the next regular meeting agenda, to discuss hownit went on May 3, and how it relates to the convenor issue and cmty worknissue.nMONKEY: Discuss more of the goal ideas from today's meetingnMONKEY: Sarah will follow up with Membership about setting goalsnDONE: MONKEY: Jillian will follow up with Buildings about setting goalsnand about mandatenMONKEY: Patti will follow up with Meals about setting goalsnDONE: Sarah will email Gail about the Process supplies and office.nMONKEY: Jillian will add to the BOA job description, tracking if commiteesnare sending in minutes, and if community meeting minutes are in there too.nMONKEY: Jillian to send out reminder about 8/13 noon, facilitator brunchnMONKEY: We need to read our mandate, the Committee Effectiveness Proposalnfrom June 2005, and the Process stuff from Vision, and talk about our ownnpriorities, amongst ourselves and then with community. This will help shownthat Process needs time to work on its own stuff, that we need another bodynto oversee the big picture vision work, goals, and priorities of allncommittees.nMONKEY: Will meet in August - Sarah will ask for a training with Yi-Miau tonremind us how the BOA entry and updating works. And we could plan to do orndiscuss doing some cleanup (removing duplicates, fixing agendas so theynshow up in the listing, and so forth)nMONKEY: Jillian will add Vice President (infoco convenor) and Secretaryn(process convenor) into the mandate and email out new copy - check withnDebbi first to makes sure it is correct.nMONKEY: Jillian will follow back up with Buildings and Grounds aboutnpresenting their mandate and 2018 goals on 8/21/17nMONKEY: Patti will present committee effectiveness proposal on 8/21/17nmeeting. And maybe the Sept meeting the item about, do people want tonexplore other systems and who has energy to do that. Sarah will see if shencan come back for it.nMONKEY: Sarah will ask TS process folks to please share information aboutnthe Laird facil training happening!nn
2017-07-05 Process minutes

7/5/2017n8 to 9pmnPresent: Patti, Sarah, JilliannnAGENDA:nNot a regular meeting, this was a meeting only to discuss Process 2022nVision Goals.nnNEXT MEETING: 7/21/17, noon, Patti’s office.nnIdea is to:nRead over Mandate to see how it fits in with 2022 visionnCome up with some broad goals inspired by 2022 visionnFlesh out one or more into more specific goalsnCome up with next steps for the more specific goalnDescribe any 2018 Budget implicationsnnThe three major responsibility areas from Process Mandate:nCommunity’s commitment to consensus decision making, respectful andntransparent communication and conflict resolutionnBuilding capacity for and scheduling Plenary facilitation = commitment tonconsensus decision makingnSupport committees to write and review mandates, take and post minutes,nposting agendas in advance = Respectful transparent communicationnCRC = Conflict ResolutionnMinutes, agreements, and historical info is safely stored and accessiblenLearning and community buildingn
2017-06-21 Process minutes

6/21/17n1:00 -2:15, Patti’s ICC OfficenPresent: Patti & JilliannAgendanCheckinsnMonkeys - worked on some monkeys during meeting timenProcess...
2017-05-18 Process minutes

5/18/17nProcess cmtee meetingn11:45-1:15, Pretzel bellnPresent: Sarah, Patti, Jillian, Yi-miaunnAgendan1.- checkinsn2.- Monkeys and facil brunch monke...
2017-04-23 Process minutes

Tri-Community Facilitators Potluck Brunchn4/23/17n12 - 1:15nOutside TS common housenPresent:n>From TS: Maggi Rohden>From GO: Jillian Downey, ...
2017-04-20 Process minutes

4/20/17nProcess MeetingnPresent: Patti, Jillian, Sarahn7-9pmnnAGENDAn1. Check-inn2. Monkeys and next work seasonn3. Facilitator brunch is this Sunday, more prepn4. May 3 alt meeting, next stepsnMembership - BennMeals - Yi-MiaunBuildings? - Malcolmn5. Charge to bring a discussion item for cmty about committee work andncommittee convenorsn6. Next steps, Process cmtee and visionn7. Membership packetn8. Next Process meetingsn
2017-03-23 Process minutes

3/23/17nProcess MeetingnSkills and Thrills next steps, and regular itemsnPresent: Patti, Jillian, Sarahn7-9pmnnAGENDAn1. Check-inn2. Monkeysn3. Next s...
2017-02-09 Process minutes

2/9/17nProcess Meetingn(regular process meeting not skills and thrills prep meeting)nPresent: Patti, Jillian, Sarah, Elph for part, Tevah for partn7-9...
2017-01-15 Process minutes

1.Check-in was facil brunch! Was a fun gathering.
3.Prep for Monday,,s community meeting
4.Prep for meeting time change proposal info/discussion
5.Next Process and Skills and Thrills prep meetings
3.Prep for Monday,,s community meeting
4.Prep for meeting time change proposal info/discussion
5.Next Process and Skills and Thrills prep meetings
2017-01-15 Process minutes

Process Meeting
(regular process meeting not skills and thrills prep meeting)
Present: Patti, Jillian, Sarah
12-2pm (right after tri-commu...
Process Meeting
(regular process meeting not skills and thrills prep meeting)
Present: Patti, Jillian, Sarah
12-2pm (right after tri-commu...
2016-12-22 Process minutes

1 Checkins
2 Monkeys
3 Next steps GO meeting time survey
4 Next steps helping cmtees prepare mandate for Jan 16 meeting (Follow-up
on assignments from last meeting)
5 Refreshing policy moments
6 Next steps Skills and thrills prep
7 Next steps re input in absentia - F&L/Amy replied
8 Next meeting dates
(did not get to:
Next steps 11/2 alt meeting ideas and next steps re request about existing
Next steps weeding out BOA old agreements
2 Monkeys
3 Next steps GO meeting time survey
4 Next steps helping cmtees prepare mandate for Jan 16 meeting (Follow-up
on assignments from last meeting)
5 Refreshing policy moments
6 Next steps Skills and thrills prep
7 Next steps re input in absentia - F&L/Amy replied
8 Next meeting dates
(did not get to:
Next steps 11/2 alt meeting ideas and next steps re request about existing
Next steps weeding out BOA old agreements
2016-12-22 Process minutes

12/22/16nProcess cmtee meeting, 11:45-12:45pm, Avalon Cafe on LibertynPresent: Sarah, Patti, JilliannnAGENDAn1 Checkinsn2 Monkeysn3 Next steps GO meet...
2016-12-22 Process minutes

12/22/16nProcess cmtee meeting, 11:45-12:45pm, Avalon Cafe on LibertynPresent: Sarah, Patti, JilliannnAGENDAn1 Checkinsn2 Monkeysn3 Next steps GO meet...
2016-12-10 Process minutes

1 Checkins
2 Monkeys
3 Next steps GO meeting time survey
4 Next steps Skills and thrills and helping cmtees prepare mandate for Jan
16 (Follow-up on assignments from last meeting)
5 Next steps 11/2 alt meeting ideas and next steps re request about
existing agreements
6 Next steps weeding out BOA old agreements
7 Next steps re-input in absentia - F&L/Amy replied
8 Next meeting dates
2 Monkeys
3 Next steps GO meeting time survey
4 Next steps Skills and thrills and helping cmtees prepare mandate for Jan
16 (Follow-up on assignments from last meeting)
5 Next steps 11/2 alt meeting ideas and next steps re request about
existing agreements
6 Next steps weeding out BOA old agreements
7 Next steps re-input in absentia - F&L/Amy replied
8 Next meeting dates
2016-12-03 Process minutes

1 Check-ins
2 Monkeys
3 Next steps Skills and thrills and helping committees prepare mandate for Jan 16
4 Next steps GO meeting time survey
5 Next steps 11/2 alt meeting ideas
6 Next steps re email request, reminding people about existing agreements
7 Next steps weeding out BOA old agreements
8 Next steps re input in absentia - F&L/Amy replied
9 Next meeting dates
(NOTE: We were only able to cover up through item 3, and next meetings.)
2 Monkeys
3 Next steps Skills and thrills and helping committees prepare mandate for Jan 16
4 Next steps GO meeting time survey
5 Next steps 11/2 alt meeting ideas
6 Next steps re email request, reminding people about existing agreements
7 Next steps weeding out BOA old agreements
8 Next steps re input in absentia - F&L/Amy replied
9 Next meeting dates
(NOTE: We were only able to cover up through item 3, and next meetings.)
2016-10-15 Process minutes

Skills and Thrills 2016 wll be rescheduled per 11/2 community meeting
Skills and Thrills Planning Meetingtopic and comments/questions about the topic
outside leader/expert
kids activities and childcare
meals and snacks
extra activities (including election-related)
promotion of the weekend!
2016-10-02 Process minutes

skills and thrills 2016 planning
next meeting
skills and thrills 2016 planning
next meeting
2016-09-29 Process minutes

Notes for 9/21 and 9/29 meetings included here
1. checkins2. monkeys
3. skills and thrills next steps and next meetings
4. input in absentia, next steps - wait til next meeting
5. parking next steps - wait til next meeting
2016-08-28 Process minutes

1. check-ins
2. monkeys
3. cmty work discussion, any next steps for process?
4. input in absentia, next steps
5. skills and thrills next steps
6. fall facilitation schedule
7. parking next steps
8. next meeting
2. monkeys
3. cmty work discussion, any next steps for process?
4. input in absentia, next steps
5. skills and thrills next steps
6. fall facilitation schedule
7. parking next steps
8. next meeting
2016-07-28 Process minutes

Process Cmtee meetingn7/28/16n7 to 8pmnnPresent: Patti, JilliannnAGENDAn1. Checkinsn2. Monkey Reviewn3. Debrief on community meeting discussion, Input...
2016-06-09 Process minutes

Process Cmtee meetingn6/9/16n5:30 to 6:45, SweetwaternnPresent: Patti, Sarah, Jillian, ElphnnAGENDAn1. Checkinsn2. Monkey Reviewn3. How people want to...
2016-05-09 Process minutes

Process Cmtee meetingn5/9/16n7-8:15pm, CH media roomnnPresent: Patti, Sarah, Jillian, Rachel, Elph for partnnAGENDAn1. Checkins- oops missed doing tha...
2016-03-19 Process minutes

Process meetingn3/19/16n9:30-10:30amnnPresent: Patti, Sarah, JilliannnAGENDAnn1. checkinsn2. monkeysn3. next work seasonn4. how do people want to be c...
2016-02-14 Process minutes

Process meetingn2/14/16n10:30am-noonnnpresent: Patti, Sarah, Jillian, ElphnnAGENDAnn1. checkinsn2. monkeysn3. how do people want to be contactedn4. tr...
2016-01-07 Process minutes

Process meetingn1/7/16n7-8:30pmnPresent: Sarah, JilliannnAGENDAn1. Checkinsn2. Monkeysn3. Next work seasonn4. New member resources funding requestn5. Cmty agreement about participating in meetings in writingn6. Parking meeting needed?n7. Email Etiquette for cmty agendan8. Next Process mtgnn1. Checkinsnn2. MONKEYS:nnONGOING MONKEY:nBringing chocolate for the two community meetings a month:nJillian just stocked up on meeting chocolate at Trader Joe's so we're setnfor a while.nnCOOLER: We could bring up at a community meeting, the idea of if we shouldntalk about how we each want to be contacted on community business, and seenwhat people think about it. So many options now for how to be contacted,nand some people seem to only use certain modes, would be good to know.nMaybe add it to contact sheet?nnCOOLER: Elph says he's willing to be assigned hours to create some processnor facilitation training materials.nnMONKEY: At this meeting or next, Jillian could present the Input innAbsentia agreement with a proposal to add a sentence about stand asides andnblocks, and, an additional discussion item, not a proposal, about videonconferencing.nnMONKEY: Sarah to draft a google poll around parking, to find out if peoplenstill want to have a meeting to talk about it.nnMONKEY: Jillian or Sarah could present the email etiquette policy from 2009nand have time for discussion. And hand out a UM doc as a resource fornpeople, that was from a Guidelines for Managing Email Stress workshop.nnMONKEY: Patti to please respond about Process cmtee meeting dates for Feb.nnnn3. Work seasonnSeems like all is ok as of now.nnn4. New Member resources funding requestnPatti wants to do a mediation training, two weekends, $995 total, by thenAnn Arbor Dispute Resolution Center. Process can offer $100 now, we onlynhave $200 total in Member Resources this year. If at the end of the year wenhave not had other requests for the remaining $100, we could pay her that.nnn5. Cmty agreement about participating in meetings in writingnnA core principle of consensus, is that you don't arrive at a meeting withnyour mind made up about a decision - you state your opinions, listen to thenopinions of others, and to the discussion about all aspects of the issue,nand then work together to come up with the best solution to meet the needs,nthat the cmty can live with.nn>From 2008, we have a Meeting Guidelines Agreement with New Input innAbsentia Section. It is implied by the language, that all you can do isnsubmit comments in writing if you can't be there, rather than stand asidenor block, and then the group that is there in person makes the decision;nhowever, perhaps it needs to be spelled out in writing.nnSeems like this would be wise to do. To make a proposal to amend thencurrent agreement with a simple sentence. This is the agreement from 2008,nplus proposed sentence:nn
2015-12-08 Process minutes

Process meetingn12/8/15n6:45-7:45nPresent: Patti, JilliannnAGENDAn1. Checkinsn2. Monkeysn3. Next work season schedulingn4. Debrief, Intro to facil ses...
2015-11-10 Process minutes

Process meetingn11/10/15n6:45-7:45nPresent: Patti, JilliannnAGENDAn1. Checkinsn2. Monkeysn3. Next cmty meetingn4. Intro to facil session in December l...
2015-10-13 Process minutes

Process meetingn10/13/15n6:45-7:45nPresent: Patti, Jillian, ElphnnAGENDAn1. Checkinsn2. Monkeysn3. Parking - next steps for community discussionn4. Fa...
2015-09-08 Process minutes

Process meetingn9/8/15n6:45-7:45nPresent: Patti and Jillian (Vasi is in Montana this week)nnAGENDAn1. Checkinsn2. Monkeysn3. This work season checkinn...
2015-07-02 Process minutes

Process meetingn7/2/15n8 to 9pmnPresent: Vasi and JilliannnAGENDAn1. Checkinsn2. Monkeysn3. Next work seasonn4. Refreshing Policy moments this summern...
2015-06-08 Process minutes

1. Checkins
2. Monkeys
3. This and Next work season
4. Skills and Thrills
5. Refreshing Policy moments this summer
6. August alternative meeting about consensus
7. Training more facilitators
8. Next meeting
1. Checkins
2. Monkeys
3. This and Next work season
4. Skills and Thrills
5. Refreshing Policy moments this summer
6. August alternative meeting about consensus
7. Training more facilitators
8. Next meeting
2015-06-08 Process minutes

CRC has been dealing with an issue of how community members respond toncommittees on e-mail. There have been some contentious moments and anfeeling t...
2015-04-07 Process minutes

Process meetingn4/7/2015n6:45-7:45, CH sitting roomnnAGENDAnCheckinsnMonkeysnNext work seasonnSkills and ThrillsnSunsetted agreementsnNext meetingnnMO...
2015-03-04 Process minutes

Process meetingn3/3/2015n6:45-7:45, CH sitting roomnnPresent: Vasi, Gail, Jillian, with a visit from Kelly and a visit from HelennnAGENDAnCheckinsnMon...
2015-02-12 Process minutes

Process cmteen2/12/2015n7-8pmnPresent: Gail, JilliannnAgenda:n1. checkinsn2. monkeysn3. next work season preworkn4. skills and thrills next stepsn5. W...
2014-12-02 Process minutes

Process cmteen12/2/2014n6:45-7:45nPresent: Gail, Becky H, JilliannnAgenda:ncheckinsnmonkeysnnext work seasonnskills and thrills wrap/eval/next steps/n...
2014-11-08 Process minutes

Hi,nI'm not sure whether discussion is still open re the Community Library, butnif so I have a request!nnI would like to have a section in the library...
2014-11-04 Process minutes

Process cmteen11/4/2014n6:45-7:45nPresent: Gail, Becky H, JilliannnAgenda:ncheckinsnmonkeysnnext work seasonnskills and thrillsnnext meetingnnONGOING ...
2014-10-07 Process minutes

Process cmtee meetingn10/7/14n6:45-7:45nPresent: Gail, Becky H, Jillian, Becky G, ElishannAGENDAnCheckinsnMonkey reviewnSkills and ThrillsnNext meetin...
2014-09-10 Process minutes

Meeting to discuss ART and SKILLS AND THRILLS 2014n9/5/2014n6 to 7pm, unit 18nPresent: Gail, Becky G, Megan, JilliannnAt the community meeting last week, Create more outdoor art was the 2014nSkills and Thrills topic with the most "dots".nThe 2nd runner up was CPR and First Aid training.nThe 3rd runner up was interpersonal communication. (the 2nd and 3rd werenquite close)nnTonight we spent a while brainstorming ideas -n- what were projects that appealed to usn- what are good locations for art around campusn- what could be worked on by a large number of peoplen- what could be worked on in November given the temps outsiden- if we should split it into two and have some of it done in a warmer seasonnnOur conclusions (more details of what we discussed are at the end of thenminutes):nnOur favorite idea is a large street painting, like they've done innintersections in Portland, OR and St Paul, MN and other places (googlenimages of portland street painting.) There are how-to documents online,nabout how to this in a way that lasts, and cost estimates too, and whatntemperature is too cool for the paint to stick well, and about using annon-skid coating over the paint. Choose one of the two spots where the twonparking lot entrances meet the main pedway.nnThe street painting itself needs to be done in warm weather, like June, sonwe thought for the Nov 2014 Skills and Thrills, we could do a half-day ofnplanning/design for the street painting, as well as some small craft suchnas, small twisted strips of metal that everyone could paint, and hang onnfishing line and each person could hang it in a tree or somewhere onncampus. AND, a half day of Red Cross CPR training, maybe one event on Satnand one on Sun.nnThen the Skills and Thrills 2015 could be, the mural painting! Or part ofnthe 2015 Skills and Thrills hours anyway.nnMONKEYS:n- Becky will look in to the idea of twisted metal strips, if there are waysnto paint/decorate them. She will also check in with her friend with a 3Dnmetal butterfly pattern.n- Megan will ask people at the Y about CPR/First Aid training, potentiallynfor the afternoon of Sunday Nov 9.n- Megan will contact her mural painting friend, Mary Theifels, who helpednus before, to see what she thinks about this project - might she be able tonlead us through a design process?n- Jillian or someone else from Process will ask for agenda time at nextnweek's community meeting, to give a 5 minute info item and see what thenreaction is to potentially taking some of the 2015 skills and thrills timenfor this plan. Or if agenda is full maybe just an announcement for peoplento contact Process cmtee if concerns.n- Jillian will email grounds and ask how many years until the next pavementnresealing happensnn
2014-09-09 Process minutes

Meeting to discuss ART and SKILLS AND THRILLS 2014n9/5/2014n6 to 7pm, unit 18nPresent: Gail, Becky G, Megan, JilliannnAt the community meeting last week, Create more outdoor art was the 2014nSkills and Thrills topic with the most "dots".nThe 2nd runner up was CPR and First Aid training.nThe 3rd runner up was interpersonal communication. (the 2nd and 3rd werenquite close)nnTonight we spent a while brainstorming ideas -n- what were projects that appealed to usn- what are good locations for art around campusn- what could be worked on by a large number of peoplen- what could be worked on in November given the temps outsiden- if we should split it into two and have some of it done in a warmer seasonnnOur conclusions (more details of what we discussed are at the end of thenminutes):nnOur favorite idea is a large street painting, like they've done innintersections in Portland, OR and St Paul, MN and other places (googlenimages of portland street painting.) There are how-to documents online,nabout how to this in a way that lasts, and cost estimates too, and whatntemperature is too cool for the paint to stick well, and about using annon-skid coating over the paint. Choose one of the two spots where the twonparking lot entrances meet the main pedway.nnThe street painting itself needs to be done in warm weather, like June, sonwe thought for the Nov 2014 Skills and Thrills, we could do a half-day ofnplanning/design for the street painting, as well as some small craft suchnas, small twisted strips of metal that everyone could paint, and hang onnfishing line and each person could hang it in a tree or somewhere onncampus. AND, a half day of Red Cross CPR training, maybe one event on Satnand one on Sun.nnThen the Skills and Thrills 2015 could be, the mural painting! Or part ofnthe 2015 Skills and Thrills hours anyway.nnMONKEYS:n- Becky will look in to the idea of twisted metal strips, if there are waysnto paint/decorate them. She will also check in with her friend with a 3Dnmetal butterfly pattern.n- Megan will ask people at the Y about CPR/First Aid training, potentiallynfor the afternoon of Sunday Nov 9.n- Megan will contact her mural painting friend, Mary Theifels, who helpednus before, to see what she thinks about this project - might she be able tonlead us through a design process?n- Jillian or someone else from Process will ask for agenda time at nextnweek's community meeting, to give a 5 minute info item and see what thenreaction is to potentially taking some of the 2015 skills and thrills timenfor this plan. Or if agenda is full maybe just an announcement for peoplento contact Process cmtee if concerns.n- Jillian will email grounds and ask how many years until the next pavementnresealing happensnn
2014-09-09 Process minutes

Process cmtee meetingn9/9/14n6:45-7:45nPresent: Gail, Becky, JilliannnAGENDAnCheckinsnMonkey reviewnBudgetnSurveynSkills and ThrillsnNext meetingnnMON...
2014-08-05 Process minutes

Process cmtee meetingn8/5/14n6:45-7:45nPresent: Becky H, Gail, Elisha, Jillian, Mary King for a few minutesnnAGENDAncheckinsnmonkeysnnext work seasonn...
2014-06-30 Process minutes

Process cmtee meetingn6/30/14n8 to 9pm, CH sitting roomnpresent: Becky H, JilliannnAGENDAnCheckinsnMonkeysnNext work seasonnSkills and ThrillsnNext me...
2014-06-02 Process minutes

Process cmtee meetingn6/2/2014n6:45-7:45 at Elisha's house, unit 2nPresent: Elisha, Becky H, Gail, JilliannnAGENDAn1. Checkinsn2. Monkeysn3. Community...
2014-05-06 Process minutes

Process cmtee meetingn5/6/2014n6:45-7:45nPresent: Jillian (cmtee members traveling this month!)nnAGENDAn1. Checkinsn2. Monkeysn3. Steering mandate, up...
2014-04-01 Process minutes

Process cmtee meetingn4/1/2014n6:45-7:45nPresent: Becky, Gail, Jillian, Kelly (Elisha came in to let us know she'snnot feeling well, had to go to bed....
2014-03-11 Process minutes

Process and Infoco meetingnTues 3/11/14n6:45-7:45, unit 18nPresent: Gail, Becky H, Elph, JilliannnAGENDAn1. Check insn2. Monkeysn3. Next cmty meetings...
2014-02-05 Process minutes

Process cmtee meetingn2/5/2014n7 to 8pmnnPresent: Gail, Becky H, Elisha, JilliannnAGENDAn1. Check insn2. Monkey Reviewn3. Upcoming meeting issuesn4. S...
2014-01-09 Process minutes

Process cmtee meetingn1/9/2014n7-8pmnPresent: Gail, Becky H, Elisha, JilliannnAGENDAn1. Checkinsn2. Monkeysn3. Work season check in - Jan 20thn4. Our ...
2013-12-03 Process minutes

Process cmtee meetingn12/3/2013n6:45-7:45nPresent: Gail, Becky H, JilliannnAGENDAnCheckinsnMonkeysnDebrief from skills and thrillsnNext work seasonnOur meeting schedulenCommunity meeting schedulennnMONKEYSnnMonkeys from previous meetings:nnMONKEY: we trade off, each taking a month in rotation, and some time duringnour month we post a paragraph on "talk" about one book of our choice in thencommunity resource collection. We can take the description from amazon ornthe jacket/cover if we haven't read it, that's fine.nSeptember: JilliannOctober: BeckynNovember: ElishanDecember: GailnnMONKEY: Bring chocolate for the two meetings each month (get reimbursednfrom Process meeting supplies) month by month:nSeptember: JilliannOctober: BeckynNovember: GailnDecember: Elishan
2013-10-26 Process minutes

Process cmtee meeting about Skills and Thrillsn10/26/2013, 3-4pmnpresent: Gail, Elisha, Becky H, JilliannnSkills and Thrills logisticsnn- Schedule: C...
2013-10-01 Process minutes

Process cmtee meetingn10/1/2013n6:45-7:45nPresent: Gail, Becky H, ElishanAgenda:ncheck insnmonkey reviewnSkills and Thrills planningnnOLD MONKEYSnnRe-...
2013-09-03 Process minutes

Process cmtee meetingn9/3/2013n6:45-7:45nPresent: Gail, Becky H, JilliannnAgenda:ncheckinsnmonkey reviewnfall 2013 work seasonnbudgetnskills and thrills next stepsnnext meetingnnMONKEYSnnMONKEY: we trade off, each taking a month in rotation, and some time duringnour month we post a paragraph on "talk" about one book of our choice in thencommunity resource collection. We can take the description from amazon ornthe jacket/cover if we haven't read it, that's fine.nSeptember: JilliannOctober: BeckynNovember: ElishanDecember: GailnnMONKEY: Bring chocolate for the two meetings each month (get reimbursednfrom Process meeting supplies) month by month:nSeptember: JilliannOctober: BeckynNovember: GailnDecember: ElishannRe-MONKEY: Jillian will look for and send out the email etiquette message -nthe latest she can find - Rod may have sent it out most recently? JimnSweeton wrote it originally so it goes way back!nnMONKEY: Jillian will send out a reminder about the Member Resources money.nnMONKEY: Gail will email out letting people know Process is in the marketnfor a locking legal-sized filing cabinet for archives.nnMONKEY: Jillian will email in Process's proposed 2014 budget to F&L.nnnnSept 4 meetingnnDiscussion about tomorrow's meeting and Rosh Hashanah and if we shouldncancel - since its an alternative meeting, so optional attendance, andnsince we would not usually cancel the meal in any case, doesn't seem likenwe need to cancel. Would be better to think about it more ahead of timennext year though - this caught us a bit by surprise since usually we'renfocused on any conflicts with the second meeting in September.nnnChecking in on Fall work seasonnnHaven't heard of any swaps happening, seems like we're ok for now. Good!nThanks again Gail for your work in scheduling it.nnn2014 budgetnnLet's remind people about Member resources money and taking a class.nnLooked over our budget.nn2013nProcess D Archives 50nProcess D Community training/facil. 1600nProcess D Display materials 50nProcess D Meeting supplies 250nProcess D Member resources 200nProcess Total 2150nnSeveral items were reduced last year during the budget process.nnQuestion about archive storage. If we can find a locking legal size filingncabinet then eventually Gail could transfer what she has in a makeshiftnlegal size filing cabinet into a better one that locks.nnWe need to keep in mind that it'd be best to have the archives cabinet innthe common house, thanks to Gail for storing the archives all these years.nBut where if the office is rented out? Maybe in this north corner of thensitting room - get a floor lamp instead of a table lamp and remove thentable?nnWe could get a filing cabinet now, and eventually find a place in CH fornit. How about we aim to spend our $50 from 2013 in Display materials. UMnproperty disposition? Craig's list?nnMONKEY: Gail will email out letting people know PRocess is in the marketnfor a locking legal-sized filing cabinet for archives.nnSkills and Thrills budget. Here's the breakdown of costs for it usually:nRoughly broken down as follows, but we move money around as needed withinnthis:n$300-350 traveln$900 presenter's fee (includes any prep)(we have also paid $1000, $1200,n$500, $750)n$240 childcare (with two workers at $15/hour)n$100 snacks/bagels/coffeen$150-$200 subsidizing lunchn
2013-09-03 Process minutes

Process cmtee meetingn9/3/2013n6:45-7:45nPresent: Gail, Becky H, JilliannnAgenda:ncheckinsnmonkey reviewnfall 2013 work seasonnbudgetnskills and thrills next stepsnnext meetingnnMONKEYSnnMONKEY: we trade off, each taking a month in rotation, and some time duringnour month we post a paragraph on "talk" about one book of our choice in thencommunity resource collection. We can take the description from amazon ornthe jacket/cover if we haven't read it, that's fine.nSeptember: JilliannOctober: BeckynNovember: ElishanDecember: GailnnMONKEY: Bring chocolate for the two meetings each month (get reimbursednfrom Process meeting supplies) month by month:nSeptember: JilliannOctober: BeckynNovember: GailnDecember: ElishannRe-MONKEY: Jillian will look for and send out the email etiquette message -nthe latest she can find - Rod may have sent it out most recently? JimnSweeton wrote it originally so it goes way back!nnMONKEY: Jillian will send out a reminder about the Member Resources money.nnMONKEY: Gail will email out letting people know Process is in the marketnfor a locking legal-sized filing cabinet for archives.nnMONKEY: Jillian will email in Process's proposed 2014 budget to F&L.nnSept 4 meetingnnDiscussion about tomorrow's meeting and Rosh Hashanah and if we shouldncancel - since its an alternative meeting, so optional attendance, andnsince we would not usually cancel the meal in any case, doesn't seem likenwe need to cancel. Would be better to think about it more ahead of timennext year though - this caught us a bit by surprise since usually we'renfocused on any conflicts with the second meeting in September.nnnChecking in on Fall work seasonnnHaven't heard of any swaps happening, seems like we're ok for now. Good!nThanks again Gail for your work in scheduling it.nnn2014 budgetnnLet's remind people about Member resources money and taking a class.nnLooked over our budget.nn2013nProcess D Archives 50nProcess D Community training/facil. 1600nProcess D Display materials 50nProcess D Meeting supplies 250nProcess D Member resources 200nProcess Total 2150nnMany items were reduced last year during the budget process.nnQuestion about archive storage. If we can find a locking legal size filingncabinet then eventually Gail could transfer what she has in a makeshiftnlegal size filing cabinet into a better one that locks.nnWe need to keep in mind that it'd be best to have the archives cabinet innthe common house, thanks to Gail for storing the archives all these years.nBut where if the office is rented out? Maybe in this north corner of thensitting room - get a floor lamp instead of a table lamp and remove thentable?nnWe could get a filing cabinet now, and eventually find a place in CH fornit. How about we aim to spend our $50 from 2013 in Display materials. UMnproperty disposition? Craig's list?nnMONKEY: Gail will email out letting people know Process is in the marketnfor a locking legal-sized filing cabinet for archives.nnSkills and Thrills budget. Here's the breakdown of costs for it usually:nRoughly broken down as follows, but we move money around as needed withinnthis:n$300-350 traveln$900 presenter's fee (includes any prep)(we have also paid $1000, $1200,n$500, $750)n$240 childcare (with two workers at $15/hour)n$100 snacks/bagels/coffeen$150-$200 subsidizing lunchn
2013-09-03 Process minutes

Process cmtee meetingn9/3/2013n6:45-7:45nPresent: Gail, Becky H, JilliannnAgenda:ncheckinsnmonkey reviewnfall 2013 work seasonnbudgetnskills and thrills next stepsnnext meetingnnMONKEYSnnMONKEY: we trade off, each taking a month in rotation, and some time duringnour month we post a paragraph on "talk" about one book of our choice in thencommunity resource collection. We can take the description from amazon ornthe jacket/cover if we haven't read it, that's fine.nSeptember: JilliannOctober: BeckynNovember: ElishanDecember: GailnnMONKEY: Bring chocolate for the two meetings each month (get reimbursednfrom Process meeting supplies) month by month:nSeptember: JilliannOctober: BeckynNovember: GailnDecember: ElishannRe-MONKEY: Jillian will look for and send out the email etiquette message -nthe latest she can find - Rod may have sent it out most recently? JimnSweeton wrote it originally so it goes way back!nnMONKEY: Jillian will send out a reminder about the Member Resources money.nnMONKEY: Gail will email out letting people know Process is in the marketnfor a locking legal-sized filing cabinet for archives.nnMONKEY: Jillian will email in Process's proposed 2014 budget to F&L.nnSept 4 meetingnnDiscussion about tomorrow's meeting and Rosh Hashanah and if we shouldncancel - since its an alternative meeting, so optional attendance, andnsince we would not usually cancel the meal in any case, doesn't seem likenwe need to cancel. Would be better to think about it more ahead of timennext year though - this caught us a bit by surprise since usually we'renfocused on any conflicts with the second meeting in September.nnnChecking in on Fall work seasonnnHaven't heard of any swaps happening, seems like we're ok for now. Good!nThanks again Gail for your work in scheduling it.nnn2014 budgetnnLet's remind people about Member resources money and taking a class.nnLooked over our budget.nn2013nProcess D Archives 50nProcess D Community training/facil. 1600nProcess D Display materials 50nProcess D Meeting supplies 250nProcess D Member resources 200nProcess Total 2150nnMany items were reduced last year during the budget process.nnQuestion about archive storage. If we can find a locking legal size filingncabinet then eventually Gail could transfer what she has in a makeshiftnlegal size filing cabinet into a better one that locks.nnWe need to keep in mind that it'd be best to have the archives cabinet innthe common house, thanks to Gail for storing the archives all these years.nBut where if the office is rented out? Maybe in this north corner of thensitting room - get a floor lamp instead of a table lamp and remove thentable?nnWe could get a filing cabinet now, and eventually find a place in CH fornit. How about we aim to spend our $50 from 2013 in Display materials. UMnproperty disposition? Craig's list?nnMONKEY: Gail will email out letting people know Process is in the marketnfor a locking legal-sized filing cabinet for archives.nnSkills and Thrills budget. Here's the breakdown of costs for it usually:nRoughly broken down as follows, but we move money around as needed withinnthis:n$300-350 traveln$900 presenter's fee (includes any prep)(we have also paid $1000, $1200,n$500, $750)n$240 childcare (with two workers at $15/hour)n$100 snacks/bagels/coffeen$150-$200 subsidizing lunchn
2013-08-05 Process minutes

8/5/2013nnProcess cmtee meetingn6:45-7:45nPresent: Becky, Gail, Jillian, Susan King for the first sectionnnAGENDAnCheckinsnCheck in with Conflict Reso...
2013-07-01 Process minutes

7/1/2013nProcess cmtee meetingn6:45-7:45nPresent: Becky, Gail, JilliannnAGENDAnCheckinsnMonkey ReviewnNext work seasonnNext meetingnnMONKEYSnnMONKEY: ...
2013-07-01 Process minutes

7/1/2013nProcess cmtee meetingn6:45-7:45nPresent: Becky, Gail, JilliannnAGENDAnCheckinsnMonkey ReviewnNext work seasonnNext meetingnnMONKEYSnnMONKEY: ...
2013-06-06 Process minutes

Process meetingn6/6/2013n6:45-7:45nPresent: Hope, Becky, JilliannnAGENDAncheckinsnmonkeysnrefreshing policy momentsnnext meetingnnext work seasonnskil...
2013-05-06 Process minutes

Process minutesn5/6/2013n6:45-8nPresent: Gail, Becky H, Hope, JilliannnAGENDAn1. Check insn2. Monkeysn3. Summer Work Seasonn4. Membership New Member ...
2013-04-09 Process minutes

Process minutesn4/9/2013n6:45-7:45nPresent: Gail, Jillian (Becky H is not feeling well and Syndallas isnheading to the Smoky Mountains for a vacation!...
2013-03-12 Process minutes

Process meetingn3/12/2013n6:45-7:45, CH sitting roomnPresent: Gail, Becky H, Syndallas, Jillian, ElphnnAgendan1. Check insn2. Monkey reviewn3. Next we...
2013-02-12 Process minutes

Process meetingn2/12/2013n6:45-7:45, CH sitting roomnPresent: Gail, Becky H, JilliannnAgendan1. Check insn2. Monkey reviewn3. Next week's Community m...
2013-01-15 Process minutes

Process meetingn1/15/2013n6:45-7:45, CH sitting roomnPresent: Gail, Syndallas, Becky H, Elph, Jillian, Alicia for partnnAgendan1. Check insn2. Monkeys...
2012-12-11 Process minutes

Process meetingn12/11/12, 6:45-7:45, unit 18nPresent: Becky, Gail, JilliannnAgendanCheck insnMonkeysnPurchasing suggestionsnMonday's meetingnNext work...
2012-11-13 Process minutes

Process meetingn6:45-7:45pmnPresent: Gail, Becky H, Syndallas, JilliannnAgenda:nCheck insnFIC meeting debriefnSkill and thrills debriefnNext work seas...
2012-11-13 Process minutes

Process meetingn6:45-7:45pmnPresent: Gail, Becky H, Syndallas, JilliannnAgenda:nCheck insnFIC meeting debriefnSkill and thrills debriefnNext work seas...
2012-10-09 Process minutes

Process Cmtee meetingn10-9-12nn6:30- 8:00nnPresent: Becky H., Gail, SyndallasnnnAGENDAnCheck-insnMonkeysnnMaking cuts to the 2013 Process budgetnFIC h...
2012-09-11 Process minutes

Process cmtee meetingn9/11/2012n6:45-7:45nPresent: Becky H, Syndallas, Jillian, Elph for partnnAGENDAncheck-insnMonkeysnFIC hostingnSkills and Thrills...
2012-07-24 Process minutes

Process cmteen7/24/2012n7-8:15pmnPresent: Gail, Becky H, Syndallas, Jillian, and Mary King and Amy H fornpart from F&LnnAgendanCheckinsnSkills and...
2012-07-24 Process minutes

Process cmteen7/24/2012n7-8:15pmnPresent: Gail, Becky H, Syndallas, Jillian, and Mary King and Amy H fornpart from F&LnnAgendanCheckinsnSkills and...
2012-06-18 Agreement to lengthen the five fall budget community meetings

The proposal suggests pre-approving five community meetings a year, when the annual budget is discussed, to extend up to 120 minutes instead of 90 minutes, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm, when needed. This is intended to allow for more in-depth discussions, finishing the budget in fewer meetings, and reducing tension around rushed agenda items.
2012-06-12 Process minutes

Process cmteen6/12/2012n6:30-7:45pmnPresent: Gail, Becky H, Syndallas, JilliannnAgendanCheckinsnMonkeysnBudget meeting length proposalnCurrent work season / Next work seasonnFIC hostingnnext meetingnnnCOOLER: Process will look at our agreements in the BOA and make a listnof what should be marked expired, and ask other committees to do so asnwell.nnMONKEY: At announcements at every meeting just remind people, aboutnwriting thank-yous and about putting pet photos on the thank younboard. Also, a reminder that if someone wants to appreciate somethingnbut doesn't know who did it, they can post a thank you note on thenthank you board.nnCOOLER: Jillian and Gail will write answers to the draftnself-evaluation questions. Then we'll pass it along to Infoco and letnthem do it. And then see what we think of the questions and answersnand if we want to pass it along to other committees.nnOngoing MONKEY: set up at least one alternative meeting ahead of time:neach work season process could take ownership of one of thenalternative meetings and pull up some of these ideas that have comenour way - we would make the arrangements for someone to do anpresentation or lead the item that had been suggested.nnMONKEY: In July Jillian will check in again with F&L about the latestnon their thoughts on doing a community weekend event in 2012 aboutnfinance education, if the 2nd weekend in Nov. is good.nnMONKEY: Jillian will alter the draft proposal about budget meetingnlength and send it back out to Process.nnMONKEY: Process send out a reminder to committees to bring theirnmonetary issues to plenary now - subject line - budget issues now!nnMONKEY: Syndallas will email CRC and see if they can continue, andnwill mention idea of 5 mins presentation at a fall community meetingnabout who they are and what they do.nnMONKEY: Process to ask Willie about somehow highlighting the FIC mealsnso cooks who are willing to have larger meals, perhaps with a morenflexible "build your own" kind of base to help with the food allergiesnand needs. (Vegan, GF, corn- or grain-free, etc)nnn
2012-05-08 Process minutes

Process meetingn5/8/2012n7-8pmnPresent: Becky H, JilliannnAgendan- Check insn- Monkeysn- Next season's meetingsn- update on this season's community me...
2012-03-13 Process minutes

Process meetingn3/13/2012n6:45-7:45pmnnPresent: Gail, Becky H, JilliannnAgendanCheckinsnMonkey ReviewnDebrief last week's Alternative meetingnSummer w...
2012-02-13 Process minutes

Process meetingn2/13/2012n7-8:15pm, unit 18nnPresent: Susan, Becky H, Gail G, JilliannnAgenda:nn1. Checkinsn2. March 7 alternative meetingn3. Next mee...
2012-01-12 Process minutes

Process meetingnn1/12/2012nn7-8pm, CH sitting roomnnnPresent: Becky H, Gail G, JilliannnnAgenda:nnn1. Checkinsnn2. Monkey reviewnn3. Review of recent issuesnn4. Next meetingnnnThis is a light month, had a good check-in and casual discussion. Nextnmonth we'll have the alternative meeting planning to do.nnnMONKEY: Jillian will see if Susan King can come on Feb 13 to plan our Marchnalternative meeting.nnnMONKEY: Gail will go to steering for Becky on March 4, Becky will be away.nnnMONKEY: Next month (Feb) check in with CRC to see if they've been talkingnwith potential new CRC members, and check in with F&L about the latest onntheir thougths on doing a community weekend event in 2012 about financeneducation.nnnNote: Gail leaves on 1/ 29/12, gets back 2/12/12. Jillian leaves 2/18/12ngets back 2/26/12.nnnNext meeting, Monday Feb 13. (Normally it'd be 2/14 but since itsnvalentine's day decided to move it.)nnnn
2011-12-13 Process minutes

Process meetingn12/13/2011n6:45-8pm, CH sitting roomnnPresent: Becky H, Gail G, Jillian, SusannnAgenda:nn1. Checkinsn2. Monkey reviewn3. CRC check-inn4. Process's winter alternative meeting on conflictn5. Winter work schedulingn6. Next meetingnn
2011-11-08 Process minutes

Process meetingn11/8/2011n6:45-8pm, CH sitting roomnnPresent: Becky H, Gail G, JilliannnAgenda:nn1. Checkinsn2. Monkey reviewn3. Skills and thrills Weekendn4. Winter work season prepn5. Garden proposal questionn6. Next meetingnn
2011-09-12 Process minutes

Process meetingn9/12/2011n6:45-8pm, CH sitting roomnnPresent: Gail, Becky H, Sarah, Jillian, Nicholasnn1. Checkinsn2. Monkey Review (monkeys at end of...
2011-08-09 Process minutes

Process meetingn8/9/2011n6:45-7:45 pmnnPresent: Gail, Judith, Jilliannn1. Checkinsn2. Monkey Reviewn3. Process jobs for fall - final schedulingn4. Pro...
2011-07-12 Process minutes

Sorry, just realized I had never sent out the final version, thanks,n-Jilliann
2011-07-12 Process minutes

Sorry, just realized I had never sent out the final version, thanks,n-Jilliann
2011-06-14 Process minutes

Process meetingn6/14/2011n6:45-7:55 pmnnPresent: Gail, Judith, Becky H, Jillian, Nicholasnn1. Checkinsn2. Monkey Reviewn3. Process jobs for fall and w...
2011-05-10 Process minutes

Process meetingn5/10/2011n6:45-7:55 pmnnPresent: Gail, Judith, Becky H, Jillian, Nicholasnn1. Checkinsn2. Monkey Reviewn3. Summer work schedule change...
2011-04-12 Process minutes

Process meetingn4/12/2011n6:45-7:55 pmnnPresent: Jillian, Gail, Willie for partnn- Checkinsn- Monkey Reviewn- Creating the schedule for the minute tak...
2011-03-08 Process minutes

Process meetingn3/8/2011n6:45-7:45pmnPresent: Gail, JilliannnAgenda:n1. checkinsn2. monkey reviewn3. Check in on Pet Board and Thank-yousn4. Summer work seasonn5. Evaluating committeesn6. next meetingnnnn1. Checkinsnn2. Monkey reviewnnMonkeys from previous meetings:nnRe-MONKEY: CRC will work on developing an agenda item that would help buildnpersonal connections among GOers.nnCOOLER: Process will look at our agreements in the BOA and make a list ofnwhat should be marked expired, and ask other committees to do so as well.nnCOOLER: create powerpoint presentations for some community agreements, as andifferent kind of refreshing policy moment.nnWORKIN: Jillian, Rod, Patti, Elph, Gail, Nicolas will write at least 2 thanknyous a week and put them in Great Oaker's cubbies, including Thank you, tonwhom, for what, from who.nnMONKEYS from this meeting:nnMONKEY: At announcements at every meeting just remind people, about writingnthank-yous and about putting pet photos on the thank you board. Also, anreminder that if someone wants to appreciate something but doesn't know whondid it, they can post a thank you note on the thank you board.nnMONKEY: Gail will send out a reminder about alternative meeting leadersnneeded for Summer. Jillian has a document with ideas GO generated a whilenback, Gail will let Jillian know if she doesn't have it.nnMONKEY: Jillian will send out a heads-up that Process is seeking newncommittee members.nnMONKEY: Jillian will follow up with Sarah and Catherine about facilitatingnnext season.nnMONKEY: Let's answer the three "evaluation" questions ourselves at our nextncommittee meeting. We'll use our mandate, which we redid recently.nn
2011-02-23 Process minutes

Joint Process/CRC meetingn2/23/2011n7-8:30pmnnPresent: Gail, Kate, Jillian, Susan, Rod, AlexnnAGENDAn1. checkinsn2. Hear from CRC about how its been going since we last met togethern3. Rotating in a new membern4. CRC creating a community meeting agenda itemn5. CRC next meetingnnMONKEYS:nnMONKEY: Jillian will make sure the CRC docs are up on the Wiki in thenProcess section ("What Do I Do if I Have a Conflict") and then will asknWillie to add the CRC page to Susan will look at some of the exercises she has for learning aboutnresolving conflict for a community meeting agenda item. Say a 30 minutenagenda item for March/April/May. Susan will get back to Process about thatnby 3/5. (Or another option is a full alternative meeting in the next season,nwhich could be 90 minutes.)nnMONKEY: Jillian will check in with Becky and Infoco to see if Becky and hernfacilitator need any help planning her 3/2 Alternative meeting. Infoconhappens to meet on 3/1.nnMONKEY: In the next few weeks CRC together with Kate Long will pick a datenin the last two weeks in April to meet. At that meeting CRC will continue tonorient Kate to CRC work, and will schedule additional face-to-face meetingsnfor the work season.nnn2. Hear from CRC about how it's been goingnnI think our last CRC/Process get-together was quite a while ago, may havenbeen late spring 2010.nnAre people using CRC?nnYes. Nothing in the last six months has required a CRC response from allnthree of us together, ie nothing "big", but there have been requests, emailsncome in to the CRC list, one of us works on it, and then we do checkinsnbetween CRC members about how things are going, support eachother.nnCRC as a committee has not formally met in a long time but we are working onnthe issues that come up.nnRecommendations: maybe CRC needs to meet a little more frequently. Agreed.nThe current set of people haven't had matching schedules, so it's been hard.nnSo if people have a concern, who do they ask?nnThey may send an email to the CRC list.nnDo people know who's on CRC? Do the new people even know there *is* a CRC?nMaybe we need to remind people of this resource regularly?nnHow could we make it easier for the new members? Is CRC in the new membernpacket? (Checking...) Yes, there is some material. Will new people be ablento process all that and remember months later? Unclear, but at least thenmaterial's there.nnDo buddies fulfill the role for new members? Do they make the connection tonCRC if there are issues?nnWhat about including a thing in "What do I do if I have anconflict?" Good idea. Let's monkey someone to work up a page. MONKEY fornJillian. Create a wiki page, ask Willie to link the "my" page to it.nnDo members need mediation training? not necessarily--there's a range ofnskills. WCC has a good set of workshops and trainings in relatednareas--facilitation, active listening, etc. This would also be a reason tonhave regular meetings--to share resources, ideas, experiences.nnIt's nice to have a functional committee, compared to [former community].nnWhat makes ours functional? Being unbiased, being a good listener, beingndiscreet. Having a confidential email list is an avenue for the committee tonshare questions, problems.nnSo, returning to the original question: you feel like you've been able tonwork on things? Yes, things are happening and they've been going OK, nonreally big issues.nnn3. Rotating in a new membernnKate is thinking of joining the CRC to replace Alex, who wants to rotatenoff.nnNew work season starts in May. This is good because the schedule conflictnquestions go away in April, so there will be some time to meet and help Katenget acclimated.nnWhat else can CRC think of to prep a new person?nnWithout naming names of course, can you give me an example of an issue andnhow you approached dealing with it?nnOne thing that comes up a lot is issues around boundaries. All kinds ofnboundary related stuff, involving adults, kids, pets. Feeling frustratednabout something you find intolerable or is well beyond your own personalnboundary, or something you worry about because you see it as a safety issue,na moral issue, a threat of some kind. That you haven't been able to resolve.nnWhat is CRC's process when a request for help comes in?nnIt varies a lot but there's a lot of talking involved. Helping peoplenclarify what they thought was going on and what they thought they wanted tonhave happen. What each person wants, only they can define that. Do they wantnto approach the other person face to face or not. Sometimes its not clear.nAcknowledge the request for help, and offer support, and ask some questionsnimmediately about what the right next steps are - put the ball in theirncourt to find out what they want.nnMy general way:nI see an email, respond back to them. Say thanks for the inquiry, what donyou need first? Do you want to meet with one of us in person? Is there onenof us in particular you want to talk with, or do you want to meet with allnof us to have multiple perspectives? By phone or in person? How urgent hownsoon? And let them respond. And then go from there. Ok if you need thisnright away, then give availability of each of CRC. (CRC has cell phonennumbers for eachother to find this out quickly.) Quite often, it's, "all Inwant is to talk with someone, whoever is available first is fine". Then ifnit's an issue with another person, then ask, would you like me then tonapproach the other person first, and say we've had this conversation? Ornwould you feel you are ready to go talk with them too, or does it neednfurther mediation before that can happen. You can help them with talkingnpoints. Or maybe they want you to contact the other person. Then I inquirenof that other person, ask if we can get together for tea and it will go fromnthere. Sometimes (more rarely) it involves multiple CRC members sitting downnwith multiple households, or it may just be one on one.nnAlex - just because I'm rotating off CRC doesn't mean I'm not available, Incan still be a resource.nAnd there are others too, Catherine and Becky.nn
2011-02-15 Process minutes

Process meetingn2/15/2011n6:45-8pmnPresent: Gail, Rod, Jillian, Elph, Patti, NicholasnnAgenda:n1. checkinsn2. monkey reviewn3. Pet list idean4. any planning needed for this Monday's community meeting (facils: Pattinand Elph)n5. next steps on appreciation and "cohouser of the month" ideasn6. continuing discussion on document storage questionsn7. checking in on date to meet with CRC (2/23)n8. next meetingn(ran out of time for next steps on how to evaluate committees, see notesnfrom 1/11 meeting at next process meeting.)nnn1. Checkinsnn2. Monkey reviewnnMonkeys from previous meetings:nnRe-MONKEY: CRC will work on developing an agenda item that would help buildnpersonal connections among GOers. Talk with CRC about this at next month'snmeeting.nnRe-MONKEY: Process will look at our agreements in the BOA and make a list ofnwhat should be marked expired, and ask other committees to do so as well.nnCOOLER: create powerpoint presentations for some community agreements, as andifferent kind of refreshing policy moment.nnCOOLER: Discussion item about Convenor jobs at a community meeting -noverlaps with Work cmteennCOOLER: Labors of love, monthly list and prize drawing? Appreciations fornsome workers at the end of each work season, take nominations? For jobs wellndone within the system, and best labors of love or other contribution?nnMONKEY: Each of us to read through these draft committee evaluationnquestions and either bring suggestion for additional questions or edits tonthe next PRocess meeting or email to Process.nnMONKEYS from this meeting, 2/15/11nnMONKEY: Gail will announce at next meeting to put up pics of your pets onnthe bulletin board, labeled with the pet's name and the owners name. Nextnstep might be to hire a teen to take pics if not enough happen on their own.nnMONKEY: Gail will also remind people about please use the thank-you board. Ancommon element in many cohousing communities, important to have and to use.nnMONKEY: Patti will send out the email draft agenda for the 2/21 communitynmeeting.nnMONKEY: Elph will make door signs for the 2/21 community meeting and willnask Aaron about Tevo.nnMONKEY: Jillian, Rod, Patti, Elph, Gail, Nicolas will write at least 2 thanknyous a week and put them in Great Oaker's cubbies, including Thank you, tonwhom, for what, from who.nnMONKEY: Jillian will email the community. Explain this is what we're goingnto try - writing two thank you's a week to put in Great Oakers cubbiesn(including their name, what we're thanking them for and our name) and we'dnlove it if other people do it too. To create a stronger culture ofnthankfulness.nn
2011-02-15 Process minutes

Process meetingn2/15/2011n6:45-8pmnPresent: Gail, Rod, Jillian, Elph, Patti, NicholasnnAgenda:n1. checkinsn2. monkey reviewn3. Pet list idean4. any planning needed for this Monday's community meeting (facils: Pattinand Elph)n5. next steps on appreciation and "cohouser of the month" ideasn6. continuing discussion on document storage questionsn7. checking in on date to meet with CRC (2/23)n8. next meetingn(ran out of time for next steps on how to evaluate committees, see notesnfrom 1/11 meeting at next process meeting.)nnn1. Checkinsnn2. Monkey reviewnnMonkeys from previous meetings:nnRe-MONKEY: CRC will work on developing an agenda item that would help buildnpersonal connections among GOers. Talk with CRC about this at next month'snmeeting.nnRe-MONKEY: Process will look at our agreements in the BOA and make a list ofnwhat should be marked expired, and ask other committees to do so as well.nnCOOLER: create powerpoint presentations for some community agreements, as andifferent kind of refreshing policy moment.nnCOOLER: Discussion item about Convenor jobs at a community meeting -noverlaps with Work cmteennCOOLER: Labors of love, monthly list and prize drawing? Appreciations fornsome workers at the end of each work season, take nominations? For jobs wellndone within the system, and best labors of love or other contribution?nnMONKEY: Each of us to read through these draft committee evaluationnquestions and either bring suggestion for additional questions or edits tonthe next PRocess meeting or email to Process.nnMONKEYS from this meeting, 2/15/11nnMONKEY: Gail will announce at next meeting to put up pics of your pets onnthe bulletin board, labeled with the pet's name and the owners name. Nextnstep might be to hire a teen to take pics if not enough happen on their own.nnMONKEY: Gail will also remind people about please use the thank-you board. Ancommon element in many cohousing communities, important to have and to use.nnMONKEY: Patti will send out the email draft agenda for the 2/21 communitynmeeting.nnMONKEY: Elph will make door signs for the 2/21 community meeting and willnask Aaron about Tevo.nnMONKEY: Jillian, Rod, Patti, Elph, Gail, Nicolas will write at least 2 thanknyous a week and put them in Great Oaker's cubbies, including Thank you, tonwhom, for what, from who.nnMONKEY: Jillian will email the community. Explain this is what we're goingnto try - writing two thank you's a week to put in Great Oakers cubbiesn(including their name, what we're thanking them for and our name) and we'dnlove it if other people do it too. To create a stronger culture ofnthankfulness.nn
2011-01-11 Process minutes

Process meetingn1/11/2011n6:45-8pmnPresent: Gail, Rod, JilliannnAgendann1. Checkinsn2. Monkey Reviewn3. Pet policy - refreshing policy momentn4. Document storage discussionn5. Next steps, evaluating a committeen6. Next steps, create new appreciation traditionn7. Next meetingnn
2010-12-14 Process minutes

Process meetingn12/14/2010n6:45-8pmnPresent: Jillian, GailnnAgendann1. Checkinsn2. Monkey Reviewn3. Feedback from Skills and Thrills weekendn4. Next seasons jobs, any further actions neededn5. Wiki issues - next steps in creating a Process section, and a meetingnhandout section?n6. Next steps, evaluating a committeen7. Next steps, create new appreciation traditionn8. Next meetingnn
2010-11-09 Process minutes

Process meetingn11/9/2010n6:45-8pmnPresent: Jillian, Gail, Vincent, GaylennAgendann1. Checkinsn2. Monkey Reviewn3. Next work season jobsn4. Skills and...
2010-10-28 Process minutes

Skills and Thrills Planning Meetingn10/28/10n8pmnPresent: Peter, Jillian, Nancy, AmynnJillian emailed a draft PDF of the schedule, looks good. Which i...
2010-10-21 Process minutes

Process meetingn10/21/2010n6:45-8:15pmnPresent: Jillian, GailnnAgendann1. Checkinsn2. Monkey Reviewn3. Skills and Thrills weekend - report from the la...
2010-10-21 Process minutes

Process meetingn10/21/2010n6:45-8:15pmnPresent: Jillian, GailnnAgendann1. Checkinsn2. Monkey Reviewn3. Skills and Thrills weekend - report from the la...
2010-09-14 Process minutes

9/14/2010nnProcess cmteenn6:45-8pmnnAgendann1.- checkinsn2.- monkey reviewsn3.- meeting suppliesn4.- reviewing the draft revised Infoco mandaten5.- lo...
2010-08-08 Process minutes

Process meetingn8/8/2010, 6:45-8pmnPresent: Gail, JilliannnAGENDAnn1. Checkinsn2. Monkey Reviewn3. Any feedback for Membership on the Meetings section...
2010-07-19 Alternative Meeting Proposal

Alternative meetings primarily serve as a platform for community building rather than decision-making. However, they can be used to discuss and reach consensus on proposals if they follow the same decision-making requirements as regular meetings.
2010-07-11 Process minutes

Process meetingn7/11/2010, 6:45-8pmnPresent: Gail, Vincent, JilliannnAGENDAn1. checkinsn2. monkey reviewn3. fall process jobsn4. alternative meeting proposal for the next community meetingn5. next steps on skills and thrillsn6. Request for a book purchase for community libraryn7. any more feedback on prospective member packetn8. role of the convenor job descriptionn9. next meetingnn
2010-06-21 Process Committee Revised Mandate

The Process committee supports the community's commitment to consensus decision-making, conflict resolution, and communication. They are responsible for ensuring the safe storage and accessibility of community historical information and actively supporting learning but not enforcing specific community decisions or endorsing proposals.
2010-06-06 Process minutes

Process meetingn6/6/2010, 6:45-8pm, unit 18nPresent: Patti, Gail, Vincent, JilliannnAGENDAn1. checkinsn2. monkey reviewn3. checking in about presenting the revised process mandate at the 6/21nmeetingn4. tweaks to the alternative meeting agreementn5. revised draft job description for committee convenersn6. any initial thoughts about 2011 budgetn7. discussion about a community event in Novembern8. next meetingnn
2010-05-10 Process minutes

Minutes, Process cmteen5/10/2010n7-8pm, unit 18nPresent: Gail, Patti, JilliannnAGENDAn1. Check insn2. Monkey reviewn3. Process mandate in queue?n4. Minutes guidelines revisionn5. Revised alt meeting proposal - may need to wait til Vince is backn6. Auto invite for meeting rolesn7. Convener job descriptionn8. Next meetingn(did not get to: Start brainstorming for fall event - ran out of time)nn
2010-05-10 Process minutes

Hi GO minute takers,nBelow are the Great Oak minutes guidelines, slightly revised and updatednfrom their 2003 original. Process cmtee just thought it'd be a good idea tonsend these out since its been a long time. Please let us know if you havenany questions, thanks!n-Jillian for Processnn
2010-05-10 Process minutes

Minutes, Process cmteen5/10/2010n7-8pm, unit 18nPresent: Gail, Patti, JilliannnAGENDAn1. Check insn2. Monkey reviewn3. Process mandate in queue?n4. Minutes guidelines revisionn5. Revised alt meeting proposal - may need to wait til Vince is backn6. Auto invite for meeting rolesn7. Convener job descriptionn8. Next meetingn(did not get to: Start brainstorming for fall event - ran out of time)nn
2010-04-13 Process minutes

(Sorry for the delay, just realized the final version hadn't gone out,n-Jillian)n
2010-03-09 Process minutes

Process Cmtee meetingn3/9/2010n7-8:30pm, unit 18nnAGENDA:n(Didn't do checkins and monkey review since we were meeting with Infoco tonstart.)n1. Met with Infoco about next season's workn2. Met with CRC about next season's work, and a couple of (non confidential)nCRC itemsn3. Reviewed rest of Process jobs for next work seasonn4. Process revised mandaten5. Tweaked Alternative meeting proposaln6. Next meetingnnPresent:nGail, Patti, Vincent, Jillian, plus Infoco for the first part (AmyH, Mary,nJimG, Alicia, Malcolm, and Langston) and CRC for the second part (Alex,nSusan, Alicia)nn--nnMONKEYS from this meeting (ongoing monkeys are at the end of the minutes)nnRe-MONKEY: Jillian will make a few more tweaks to the revised ProcessnMandatennRe-MONKEY: Vincent will do some tweaking of the Alternative Meeting proposalnnMONKEY: CRC will work on developing an agenda item that would help buildnpersonal connections among GOers.nnMONKEY: Alicia and Sarah will work on finding an outside presenter (socialnworker?) and schedule times for conversations of interested people. Processnand CRC are resources for support.nnMONKEY: Jillian will review Dale's email about how to submit work changesnand preassignments and will email them in by Fridayn
2010-02-09 Process minutes

Process Meeting, 2/9/10nPresent: Patti, Vincent, and Gail (Jillian in Australia!)nnAGENDAnReviewed draft revised mandatenAlternative Meeting Reviewnn...
2010-01-10 Process minutes

Hi all,
Evan Richardson, our outside facilitator for the November 2009 Skills and
Thrills event, wrote up a report of the weekend and sent it to Process
cmtee. I've copied and pasted it below for your reading pleasure. I also
have it as a word doc if someone would prefer it as an attachment let me
know. Thanks! -Jillian
Evan Richardson, our outside facilitator for the November 2009 Skills and
Thrills event, wrote up a report of the weekend and sent it to Process
cmtee. I've copied and pasted it below for your reading pleasure. I also
have it as a word doc if someone would prefer it as an attachment let me
know. Thanks! -Jillian
2009-12-14 Community Guidelnes For Conducting Great Oak Business Via Email

Email Etiquette Agreement which includes guidelines for using email for business on GO-Talk, within the committee, between community members and committees, and basic guidelines for all email.
2009-12-08 Process minutes

Process Cmtee meeting
6:45-8pm CH sitting room
1. Checkins
2. Monkeys
3. Check-in Jobs for next season
4. Process Skills and Thrills materials from Evan, next steps
5. Idea - do an annual "year in review" each winter
6. "How to throw a weekend event" draft doc
7. Alternative meeting proposal next steps
8. Next meeting
Present: Gail, Greg, Jillian
1. Did a round of checkins.
2. Monkeys/Cooler/Freezer items from previous meetings:
COOLER: Process to ask minute takers to come to a process meeting at the
start of each work term to talk about the full minute taker job description,
and talk about the using names issue so they are aware of some of nuances.
COOLER: Periodic check-in about how CRC members are chosen, if that is
working ok?
COOLER: Naming names in committee meeting minutes, periodically reread
current guidelines, make sure they're ok for both committees and plenary.
Ongoing MONKEY: CRC should talk about the fact that they can't all to rotate
off at the same time. What are the current CRC members each thinking about
their terms, who is willing to continue? If everyone wants to continue for a
while that's great, its just that when folks do want to rotate off it needs
to be staggered.
ONGOING MONKEY: Process will email new renters or owners to make sure they
know, that they are encouraged to participate fully in meetings, that their
voice counts as much as anyone else's, there are very few decisions renters
can't be part of. (This should be spelled out in the levels of membership
ONGOING MONKEY: Jillian will remind infoco that: Facilitators should (1)
send out agenda at least 2 days ahead and then a reminder on the day of the
meeting, and (2) consider putting a slip of paper in every mailbox about the
meeting as well, at least a day ahead. Just to see if it helps.
Ongoing-MONKEY: How can we make the thank-you board in the CH entrance-way
more active. Could we make a game out of it, or encourage people.
COOLER: Committee-level decisions and how they could or should get entered
in the BOA - they are not currently always getting in.
Re-MONKEY: Jillian will email a tweaked draft of the Process mandate to
process with a new category iii, COMMUNITY BUILDING, with a bullet or two
under it. That broad category would cover all the diverse kinds of interests
and ideas that came up around planning weekend events. We've been adding
member resources that are not just about consensus, communication, and
decision making. That could be another bullet under iii.
COOLER: check in with membership later in the fall about if they want to get
together to help them plan a community meeting discussion about the purpose
of membership cmtee.
DONE: We need to ask participants to help set up the room and set the tables
for dinner, at the end of the skills and thrills event on Sunday 11/15.
DONE: need to make sure Kathy B plans to be at the skills and thrills event
both days, so checks can be written for the childcare folks, or, write them
ahead of time.
DONE: Jillian will email Megan letting her know she can spend $250 of
Process money for food on 11/14.
DONE: Jillian will send something out to talk about the broad brushstrokes
of what we'll do on Nov 14 and 15.
DONE: Logistics for the weekend - Sarah will be buying snacks on Friday,
also picking up Evan, will round up some card tables and tablecloths, will
take down the lights on the east dining room wall and perhaps look into an
easy way to clip up the bottoms of the saris if needed. Sarah can loan her
computer for minutes. Will ask Debbi about fingerpuppets. Debbi has ageed to
make a treat for the conversation cafe. Alicia will be going to the scrap
box. Catherine will be calling everyone to remind them. Gail will do another
burma shave campaign. Jillian will send out a reminder email. Mary King will
take Evan to the airport on Monday at 8am. Jillian and Elph will take Evan
out to dinner on Friday, others welcome, let Jillian know if you'd like to
come. Thanks all!
DONE: Process/Infoco to get together with Evan Sat and Sun, 10am, at
Jillian's, to go over any logistics and agenda changes etc, and have
breakfast, then help with room setup if it was not done the night before,
6:45-8pm CH sitting room
1. Checkins
2. Monkeys
3. Check-in Jobs for next season
4. Process Skills and Thrills materials from Evan, next steps
5. Idea - do an annual "year in review" each winter
6. "How to throw a weekend event" draft doc
7. Alternative meeting proposal next steps
8. Next meeting
Present: Gail, Greg, Jillian
1. Did a round of checkins.
2. Monkeys/Cooler/Freezer items from previous meetings:
COOLER: Process to ask minute takers to come to a process meeting at the
start of each work term to talk about the full minute taker job description,
and talk about the using names issue so they are aware of some of nuances.
COOLER: Periodic check-in about how CRC members are chosen, if that is
working ok?
COOLER: Naming names in committee meeting minutes, periodically reread
current guidelines, make sure they're ok for both committees and plenary.
Ongoing MONKEY: CRC should talk about the fact that they can't all to rotate
off at the same time. What are the current CRC members each thinking about
their terms, who is willing to continue? If everyone wants to continue for a
while that's great, its just that when folks do want to rotate off it needs
to be staggered.
ONGOING MONKEY: Process will email new renters or owners to make sure they
know, that they are encouraged to participate fully in meetings, that their
voice counts as much as anyone else's, there are very few decisions renters
can't be part of. (This should be spelled out in the levels of membership
ONGOING MONKEY: Jillian will remind infoco that: Facilitators should (1)
send out agenda at least 2 days ahead and then a reminder on the day of the
meeting, and (2) consider putting a slip of paper in every mailbox about the
meeting as well, at least a day ahead. Just to see if it helps.
Ongoing-MONKEY: How can we make the thank-you board in the CH entrance-way
more active. Could we make a game out of it, or encourage people.
COOLER: Committee-level decisions and how they could or should get entered
in the BOA - they are not currently always getting in.
Re-MONKEY: Jillian will email a tweaked draft of the Process mandate to
process with a new category iii, COMMUNITY BUILDING, with a bullet or two
under it. That broad category would cover all the diverse kinds of interests
and ideas that came up around planning weekend events. We've been adding
member resources that are not just about consensus, communication, and
decision making. That could be another bullet under iii.
COOLER: check in with membership later in the fall about if they want to get
together to help them plan a community meeting discussion about the purpose
of membership cmtee.
DONE: We need to ask participants to help set up the room and set the tables
for dinner, at the end of the skills and thrills event on Sunday 11/15.
DONE: need to make sure Kathy B plans to be at the skills and thrills event
both days, so checks can be written for the childcare folks, or, write them
ahead of time.
DONE: Jillian will email Megan letting her know she can spend $250 of
Process money for food on 11/14.
DONE: Jillian will send something out to talk about the broad brushstrokes
of what we'll do on Nov 14 and 15.
DONE: Logistics for the weekend - Sarah will be buying snacks on Friday,
also picking up Evan, will round up some card tables and tablecloths, will
take down the lights on the east dining room wall and perhaps look into an
easy way to clip up the bottoms of the saris if needed. Sarah can loan her
computer for minutes. Will ask Debbi about fingerpuppets. Debbi has ageed to
make a treat for the conversation cafe. Alicia will be going to the scrap
box. Catherine will be calling everyone to remind them. Gail will do another
burma shave campaign. Jillian will send out a reminder email. Mary King will
take Evan to the airport on Monday at 8am. Jillian and Elph will take Evan
out to dinner on Friday, others welcome, let Jillian know if you'd like to
come. Thanks all!
DONE: Process/Infoco to get together with Evan Sat and Sun, 10am, at
Jillian's, to go over any logistics and agenda changes etc, and have
breakfast, then help with room setup if it was not done the night before,
2009-10-14 Process minutes

Process Cmtee meeting
7-8, CH sitting room
1. Checkins
2. Monkeys
3. Budget checkin
4. Skills and Thrills event
5. Next meeting
Present: Gail, Catherine, Jillian, Greg S-P.
1. Did a round of checkins.
2. Monkeys/Cooler/Freezer items from previous meetings:
COOLER: Process to ask minute takers to come to a process meeting at the
start of each work term to talk about the full minute taker job description,
and talk about the using names issue so they are aware of some of nuances.
COOLER: Periodic check-in about how CRC members are chosen, if that is
working ok?
COOLER: Naming names in committee meeting minutes, periodically reread
current guidelines, make sure they're ok for both committees and plenary.
Ongoing MONKEY: CRC should talk about the fact that they can't all to rotate
off at the same time. What are the current CRC members each thinking about
their terms, who is willing to continue? If everyone wants to continue for a
while that's great, its just that when folks do want to rotate off it needs
to be staggered.
ONGOING MONKEY: Process will email new renters or owners to make sure they
know, that they are encouraged to participate fully in meetings, that their
voice counts as much as anyone else's, there are very few decisions renters
can't be part of. (This should be spelled out in the levels of membership
ONGOING MONKEY: Jillian will remind infoco that: Facilitators should (1)
send out agenda at least 2 days ahead and then a reminder on the day of the
meeting, and (2) consider putting a slip of paper in every mailbox about the
meeting as well, at least a day ahead. Just to see if it helps.
Ongoing-MONKEY: How can we make the thank-you board in the CH entrance-way
more active. Could we make a game out of it, or encourage people.
Re-MONKEY: Catherine will put hooks and fishing line on the vision
statement. She has been working with Heather on it.
COOLER: Committee-level decisions and how they could or should get entered
in the BOA - they are not currently always getting in.
7-8, CH sitting room
1. Checkins
2. Monkeys
3. Budget checkin
4. Skills and Thrills event
5. Next meeting
Present: Gail, Catherine, Jillian, Greg S-P.
1. Did a round of checkins.
2. Monkeys/Cooler/Freezer items from previous meetings:
COOLER: Process to ask minute takers to come to a process meeting at the
start of each work term to talk about the full minute taker job description,
and talk about the using names issue so they are aware of some of nuances.
COOLER: Periodic check-in about how CRC members are chosen, if that is
working ok?
COOLER: Naming names in committee meeting minutes, periodically reread
current guidelines, make sure they're ok for both committees and plenary.
Ongoing MONKEY: CRC should talk about the fact that they can't all to rotate
off at the same time. What are the current CRC members each thinking about
their terms, who is willing to continue? If everyone wants to continue for a
while that's great, its just that when folks do want to rotate off it needs
to be staggered.
ONGOING MONKEY: Process will email new renters or owners to make sure they
know, that they are encouraged to participate fully in meetings, that their
voice counts as much as anyone else's, there are very few decisions renters
can't be part of. (This should be spelled out in the levels of membership
ONGOING MONKEY: Jillian will remind infoco that: Facilitators should (1)
send out agenda at least 2 days ahead and then a reminder on the day of the
meeting, and (2) consider putting a slip of paper in every mailbox about the
meeting as well, at least a day ahead. Just to see if it helps.
Ongoing-MONKEY: How can we make the thank-you board in the CH entrance-way
more active. Could we make a game out of it, or encourage people.
Re-MONKEY: Catherine will put hooks and fishing line on the vision
statement. She has been working with Heather on it.
COOLER: Committee-level decisions and how they could or should get entered
in the BOA - they are not currently always getting in.
2009-09-02 Process minutes

Process/Infoco joint meeting
7-8:15pm, CH sitting room
Present: Amy, Alicia, Mary, Patti, Elph, Catherine, Sarah (until 7:30),
Gail, Jillian
Process/Infoco joint meeting
7-8:15pm, CH sitting room
Present: Amy, Alicia, Mary, Patti, Elph, Catherine, Sarah (until 7:30),
Gail, Jillian
2009-07-26 Process minutes

Membership/Process meeting
Present: Sarah, Adi, Jillian
Membership is currently Adi, Sarah, Emily, and Rod is the outreach contact
Membership/Process meeting
Present: Sarah, Adi, Jillian
Membership is currently Adi, Sarah, Emily, and Rod is the outreach contact
2009-07-14 Process minutes

Process Cmtee meeting
7-8, CH sitting room
1. Checkins
2. Monkeys
3. Fall 2009 process jobs
4. Check in on Book of Agreements work
5. Changing the date of December community meeting
6. Revisiting the General community meeting start time
7. Next steps on choosing the focus and setting the date for the fall skills
and thrills
8. Taking another look at the process mandate
9. Followup with Membership
10. Next Meeting
Present: Gail, Catherine, Jillian
2. Monkeys/Cooler/Freezer items from previous meetings:
MONKEY and COOLER: Process to ask minute takers to come to a process meeting
at the start of each work term to talk about the full minute taker job
description, and talk about the using names issue so they are aware of some
of nuances.
Discussion about how CRC members are chosen, is that working ok?
COOLER: Naming names in committee meeting minutes, periodically reread
current guidelines, make sure they're ok for both committees and plenary
Ongoing MONKEY: CRC should talk about the fact that they can't all to rotate
off at the same time. What are the current CRC members each thinking about
their terms, who is willing to continue? If everyone wants to continue for a
while that's great, its just that when folks do want to rotate off it needs
to be staggered.
DONE: Gail will email renters to make sure they know, that they are
encouraged to participate fully in meetings, that their voice counts as much
as anyone else's, there are very few decisions they can't be part of. (This
should be spelled out in the levels of membership agreement.)
ONGOING MONKEY: when there are new people send them an invite to come to
community meetings.
ONGOING MONKEY: Jillian will remind infoco that: Facilitators should (1)
send out agenda at least 2 days ahead and then a reminder on the day of the
meeting, and (2) consider putting a slip of paper in every mailbox about the
meeting as well, at least a day ahead. Just to see if it helps.
Ongoing-MONKEY: Maybe all think about this for our next meeting. How can we
make the thank-you board more active. Could we make a game out of it, or
encourage people.
Re-MONKEY: Catherine will put hooks and fishing line on the vision
statement. She has been working with Heather on it.
COOLER: We need to talk about committee-level decisions and how they could
get entered in the BOA - they are not currently getting in.
DONE: Gail will send out the facilitation/minute taking schedule; people
should send swap info to Gail so she can post the final version on the work
board and on email to "talk".
DONE: Jillian will print out a few more copies of the Quorum proposal (Gail
has 13 already) and bring them.
DONE: Jillian will post large sheets of paper with the history of trainings
and people can comment between now and then.
DONE: Catherine will intro the training discussion. Catherine will check in
with Mary and Sarah about their plans for the agenda item.
DONE: Jillian will email Catherine pieces of the process mandate that apply
to training.
DONE: Catherine will email the pieces from the process mandate to Talk and
will print some out to bring to the meeting.
7-8, CH sitting room
1. Checkins
2. Monkeys
3. Fall 2009 process jobs
4. Check in on Book of Agreements work
5. Changing the date of December community meeting
6. Revisiting the General community meeting start time
7. Next steps on choosing the focus and setting the date for the fall skills
and thrills
8. Taking another look at the process mandate
9. Followup with Membership
10. Next Meeting
Present: Gail, Catherine, Jillian
2. Monkeys/Cooler/Freezer items from previous meetings:
MONKEY and COOLER: Process to ask minute takers to come to a process meeting
at the start of each work term to talk about the full minute taker job
description, and talk about the using names issue so they are aware of some
of nuances.
Discussion about how CRC members are chosen, is that working ok?
COOLER: Naming names in committee meeting minutes, periodically reread
current guidelines, make sure they're ok for both committees and plenary
Ongoing MONKEY: CRC should talk about the fact that they can't all to rotate
off at the same time. What are the current CRC members each thinking about
their terms, who is willing to continue? If everyone wants to continue for a
while that's great, its just that when folks do want to rotate off it needs
to be staggered.
DONE: Gail will email renters to make sure they know, that they are
encouraged to participate fully in meetings, that their voice counts as much
as anyone else's, there are very few decisions they can't be part of. (This
should be spelled out in the levels of membership agreement.)
ONGOING MONKEY: when there are new people send them an invite to come to
community meetings.
ONGOING MONKEY: Jillian will remind infoco that: Facilitators should (1)
send out agenda at least 2 days ahead and then a reminder on the day of the
meeting, and (2) consider putting a slip of paper in every mailbox about the
meeting as well, at least a day ahead. Just to see if it helps.
Ongoing-MONKEY: Maybe all think about this for our next meeting. How can we
make the thank-you board more active. Could we make a game out of it, or
encourage people.
Re-MONKEY: Catherine will put hooks and fishing line on the vision
statement. She has been working with Heather on it.
COOLER: We need to talk about committee-level decisions and how they could
get entered in the BOA - they are not currently getting in.
DONE: Gail will send out the facilitation/minute taking schedule; people
should send swap info to Gail so she can post the final version on the work
board and on email to "talk".
DONE: Jillian will print out a few more copies of the Quorum proposal (Gail
has 13 already) and bring them.
DONE: Jillian will post large sheets of paper with the history of trainings
and people can comment between now and then.
DONE: Catherine will intro the training discussion. Catherine will check in
with Mary and Sarah about their plans for the agenda item.
DONE: Jillian will email Catherine pieces of the process mandate that apply
to training.
DONE: Catherine will email the pieces from the process mandate to Talk and
will print some out to bring to the meeting.
2009-04-20 Quorum Change

The Great Oak community is proposing to change the current quorum agreement to 15 households and count quorum at the beginning of each decision item in order to address frustrations with decision-making difficulties due to low attendance.
2009-04-14 Process minutes

Process Cmtee meeting
7-8, CH sitting room
1. Checkins
2. Monkeys
3. Scheduling summer jobs
4. Quorum Proposal
5. Training discussion
6. Old process item - the meeting time change
7. Next Meeting
Present: Gail, Catherine, Jillian
2. Monkeys/Cooler/Freezer items from previous meetings:
MONKEY and COOLER: Process to ask minute takers to come to a process meeting
at the start of each work term to talk about the full minute taker job
description, and talk about the using names issue so they are aware of some
of nuances.
Discussion about how CRC members are chosen, is that working ok?
COOLER: Naming names in committee meeting minutes, periodically reread
current guidelines, make sure they're ok for both committees and plenary
Ongoing MONKEY: CRC should talk about the fact that they can't all to rotate
off at the same time. What are the current CRC members each thinking about
their terms, who is willing to continue? If everyone wants to continue for a
while that's great, its just that when folks do want to rotate off it needs
to be staggered.
DONE: Gail will email renters to make sure they know, that they are
encouraged to participate fully in meetings, that their voice counts as much
as anyone else's, there are very few decisions they can't be part of. (This
should be spelled out in the levels of membership agreement.)
ONGOING MONKEY: when there are new people send them an invite to come to
community meetings.
ONGOING MONKEY: Jillian will remind infoco that: Facilitators should (1)
send out agenda at least 2 days ahead and then a reminder on the day of the
meeting, and (2) consider putting a slip of paper in every mailbox about the
meeting as well, at least a day ahead. Just to see if it helps.
Re-MONKEY: Maybe all think about this for our next meeting. How can we make
the thank-you board more active. Could we make a game out of it, or
encourage people.
Re-MONKEY: Catherine will put hooks and fishing line on the vision
COOLER: We need to talk about committee-level decisions and how they could
get entered in the BOA - they are not currently getting in.
7-8, CH sitting room
1. Checkins
2. Monkeys
3. Scheduling summer jobs
4. Quorum Proposal
5. Training discussion
6. Old process item - the meeting time change
7. Next Meeting
Present: Gail, Catherine, Jillian
2. Monkeys/Cooler/Freezer items from previous meetings:
MONKEY and COOLER: Process to ask minute takers to come to a process meeting
at the start of each work term to talk about the full minute taker job
description, and talk about the using names issue so they are aware of some
of nuances.
Discussion about how CRC members are chosen, is that working ok?
COOLER: Naming names in committee meeting minutes, periodically reread
current guidelines, make sure they're ok for both committees and plenary
Ongoing MONKEY: CRC should talk about the fact that they can't all to rotate
off at the same time. What are the current CRC members each thinking about
their terms, who is willing to continue? If everyone wants to continue for a
while that's great, its just that when folks do want to rotate off it needs
to be staggered.
DONE: Gail will email renters to make sure they know, that they are
encouraged to participate fully in meetings, that their voice counts as much
as anyone else's, there are very few decisions they can't be part of. (This
should be spelled out in the levels of membership agreement.)
ONGOING MONKEY: when there are new people send them an invite to come to
community meetings.
ONGOING MONKEY: Jillian will remind infoco that: Facilitators should (1)
send out agenda at least 2 days ahead and then a reminder on the day of the
meeting, and (2) consider putting a slip of paper in every mailbox about the
meeting as well, at least a day ahead. Just to see if it helps.
Re-MONKEY: Maybe all think about this for our next meeting. How can we make
the thank-you board more active. Could we make a game out of it, or
encourage people.
Re-MONKEY: Catherine will put hooks and fishing line on the vision
COOLER: We need to talk about committee-level decisions and how they could
get entered in the BOA - they are not currently getting in.
2009-02-03 Process minutes

Process Cmtee meeting
7-8pm, CH sitting room
7-8pm, CH sitting room
2009-01-13 Process minutes

Process Cmtee meeting
7-8pm, unit 18
7-8pm, unit 18
2008-12-08 Process minutes

Process Cmtee meeting
7-8pm, CH sitting room
1. Checkins
2. Monkey review
3. Quorum discussion next steps
4. Next work season
5. Next meeting
7-8pm, CH sitting room
1. Checkins
2. Monkey review
3. Quorum discussion next steps
4. Next work season
5. Next meeting
2008-11-11 Process minutes

Process Cmtee meeting
7-8pm, CH sitting room
1. Checkins
2. Monkey review
3. Status of Book of Agreements programming
4. Quorum discussion at next community meeting
5. Trainings GO has done
6. Next meeting
7-8pm, CH sitting room
1. Checkins
2. Monkey review
3. Status of Book of Agreements programming
4. Quorum discussion at next community meeting
5. Trainings GO has done
6. Next meeting
2008-10-14 Process minutes

Process Cmtee meeting
7-8pm, CH sitting room
1. Checkins
2. Monkey review
3. Process budget 2009
4. Quorum
5. Training
6. Check in with grounds about their landscape plan weekend event?
7. Next meeting
7-8pm, CH sitting room
1. Checkins
2. Monkey review
3. Process budget 2009
4. Quorum
5. Training
6. Check in with grounds about their landscape plan weekend event?
7. Next meeting
2008-09-04 Process minutes

Process cmtee
7-8pm, CH sitting room
1. checkins
2. monkey review
3. budget 2008 check-in
4. budget 2009
5. quorum
6. next meeting
7-8pm, CH sitting room
1. checkins
2. monkey review
3. budget 2008 check-in
4. budget 2009
5. quorum
6. next meeting
2008-07-09 Process minutes

Process cmtee
1. Checkins
2. Monkey review
3. Review work for fall season
4. Refreshing Policy Moments
5. Fall event for GO
6. Quorum
7. Next meeting
1. Checkins
2. Monkey review
3. Review work for fall season
4. Refreshing Policy Moments
5. Fall event for GO
6. Quorum
7. Next meeting
2008-06-11 Process minutes

Process Cmtee meeting
Wed 6/11/2008
Wed 6/11/2008
2008-05-19 Meeting Guidelines Agreement, with new Input in Absentia section.

Updated meeting guidelines which include separate facilitator and participant guidelines, as well as a four-step method for working through emotional charge. Additionally, the proposal outlines an Input in Absentia agreement for community members who are unable to attend a meeting.
2008-04-09 Process minutes

Process Cmtee meeting
Wed 4/9/08
7-8pm, common house sitting room
Present: Gail, Jillian
1. Checkins
2. Monkey review
3. Alternative gatherings for summer
4. Process jobs, infoco
5. Strategic planning day for GO?
6. Quorum
7. Next meeting
Wed 4/9/08
7-8pm, common house sitting room
Present: Gail, Jillian
1. Checkins
2. Monkey review
3. Alternative gatherings for summer
4. Process jobs, infoco
5. Strategic planning day for GO?
6. Quorum
7. Next meeting
2008-03-02 Process minutes

Process Cmtee meeting
Sunday 3/2/08
7-8pm in the common house sitting room
(Not our usual meeting time, due to vacations.)
Present: Gail, Jillian
1. Checkins
2. Monkey review
3. Alternative meeting agenda item for March
4. Next meeting
Sunday 3/2/08
7-8pm in the common house sitting room
(Not our usual meeting time, due to vacations.)
Present: Gail, Jillian
1. Checkins
2. Monkey review
3. Alternative meeting agenda item for March
4. Next meeting
2008-02-13 Process minutes

1. Checkins
2. Monkey review
3. Report on CRC
4. Alternative meeting evaluation, agenda item for March/April
5. Issue of non-GO kids in the CH - process bring forward a discussion?
6. Next process meeting
2. Monkey review
3. Report on CRC
4. Alternative meeting evaluation, agenda item for March/April
5. Issue of non-GO kids in the CH - process bring forward a discussion?
6. Next process meeting
2007-12-12 Process minutes

1. Checkins
2. Monkey review
3. New posters
4. Work stuff
5. Next community meeting
6. Next process meeting
2. Monkey review
3. New posters
4. Work stuff
5. Next community meeting
6. Next process meeting
2007-10-10 Process minutes

1. Checkins
2. Monkey review
3. Budget 2008
4. Nov 10 training
5. Next meeting
2. Monkey review
3. Budget 2008
4. Nov 10 training
5. Next meeting
2007-09-12 Process minutes

1. Checkins
2. Monkey review
3. Check in with work season minute takers and CRC people, if they come
4. Initial 2008 budget discussion
5. Schedule and other needs for the Nov 10
training, and planning for agenda item on 9/17
6. Next meeting
2. Monkey review
3. Check in with work season minute takers and CRC people, if they come
4. Initial 2008 budget discussion
5. Schedule and other needs for the Nov 10
training, and planning for agenda item on 9/17
6. Next meeting
2007-08-08 Process minutes

1. check ins
2. monkey review
3. jobs for fall season
4. next meeting
1. check ins
2. monkey review
3. jobs for fall season
4. next meeting
2007-08-01 Great Oak "Regular" and "Alternative" Community Meetings

A proposal defining alternative meeting formats to alternate with standard meetings. These meetings will be less formal, and allow for a variety of community gathering designs. This is under an 8 month evaluation period, due to be revisited in May 2008.
2007-06-13 Process minutes

Draft agenda
1.- checkins
2.- monkey review
3.- discussion with George re the Conflict Resolution Cmtee
4.- debrief from the Laird weekend
5.- write an agenda request for continuing the community meetings discussion?
6.- check in about ordering the two books Sarah suggested
7.- check in about a Member Resources request
8.- next meeting
1.- checkins
2.- monkey review
3.- discussion with George re the Conflict Resolution Cmtee
4.- debrief from the Laird weekend
5.- write an agenda request for continuing the community meetings discussion?
6.- check in about ordering the two books Sarah suggested
7.- check in about a Member Resources request
8.- next meeting
2007-05-09 Process minutes

1. checkins
2. monkey review
3. any new work term issues
4. survey status
5. June 1-3 weekend prep
6. Next meeting
2. monkey review
3. any new work term issues
4. survey status
5. June 1-3 weekend prep
6. Next meeting
2007-04-11 Process minutes

We could put up this list, ask if there's a topic anyone wants to
add, then do an initial dot storm - if everyone had three dots for
first round, then...
add, then do an initial dot storm - if everyone had three dots for
first round, then...
2006-09-27 Process minutes

1. Check insrn2. Monkeysrn3. Minutes progress for Book of Agreements (Willie would like to comerntalk with process)rn4. Nov 11 logistics/money etc.rn5. Budget for 2007rn6. Infoco discussion item?rn7. Next Process meeting (Oct 15 is the next Nov 11 planning group mtg)
2006-08-27 Process minutes

1. Check-insrn2. Monkeysrn3. Report on job assignments for Fall work seasonrn4. Planning for Nov. trainingrn5. Looking ahead to budget for 2007
2006-06-04 Communication Pathway

This document outlines a communication pathway to follow when there is a perception that a community agreement has been broken, with the goal of resolving the issue without formal consequences. The pathway includes steps such as handling the situation alone, talking to the neighbor directly, seeking out a third person's help, engaging the Conflict Resolution Committee, and addressing the issue with the whole group.
2005-06-01 Committee Effectiveness Proposal

How GO committees should operate, to ensure good functioning and communication.
2005-02-22 Process minutes

Agenda 1. Check-ins 2. Monkeys 3. Shared resources from Gail 4. How to solicit input for June meeting: see list of last dot storm 5. Discussion of arrangements for June 18 training 6. Discuss feedback from revisiting decisions discussion 7. Resources line item: reimbursement request process and materials purchase form 8. Review and schedule "reminder minutes" for upcoming general meetings - now called Refreshing Policy Moment 9. Review of Committee Effectiveness proposal
2005-02-22 Process minutes

Process Minutes
3/9/05 7:15 p.m. Jim Sweeton's
Present: Jim Sw, [[Elph]], Jillian, Gail, Susan, Sarah
(There were several varieties of tasty girl sco...
3/9/05 7:15 p.m. Jim Sweeton's
Present: Jim Sw, [[Elph]], Jillian, Gail, Susan, Sarah
(There were several varieties of tasty girl sco...
2005-02-09 Process minutes

1. Agenda Review 2. Check ins 3. Monkey review 4. Review/approve archives spending request 5. Discuss other meeting locations besides the sitting room for our Wednesday night meetings 6. Discuss and assign membership packet info as requested by membership 7. Revisiting Consensus Decisions, which community meeting? 8. Discuss and schedule "GO agreement reminders" for upcoming community meetings re: past consensed on decisions 9. Training, next steps 10. Empowerment
2005-02-09 Process minutes

[[Transclude [[ProcessCommittee]]ShortcutBar]]
Process Cmtee
Present: Sarah, Jillian, and 1/4 [[Elph]] (mostly he was working on gocoh...
Process Cmtee
Present: Sarah, Jillian, and 1/4 [[Elph]] (mostly he was working on gocoh...
2005-01-25 Process minutes

'''[[Process[[Committee]]ShortcutBar]]''': [[[Process[[Committee]]HomePage]] Process Home] [http://boa.willi...
2005-01-12 Process minutes

'''[[Process[[Committee]]ShortcutBar]]''': [[[Process[[Committee]]HomePage]] Process Home] [http://boa.willi...
2004-12-08 Process minutes

'''[[Process[[Committee]]ShortcutBar]]''': [[[Process[[Committee]]HomePage]] Process Home] [http://boa.willi...
2004-11-10 Process minutes

'''[[Process[[Committee]]ShortcutBar]]''': [[[Process[[Committee]]HomePage]] Process Home] [http://boa.willi...
2004-10-26 Process minutes

'''[[Process[[Committee]]ShortcutBar]]''': [[[Process[[Committee]]HomePage]] Process Home] [http://boa.willi...
2004-10-13 Process minutes

'''[[Process[[Committee]]ShortcutBar]]''': [[[Process[[Committee]]HomePage]] Process Home] [http://boa.willi...
2004-09-28 Process minutes

[[Transclude [[ProcessCommittee]]ShortcutBar]]
Process [[Meeting]]
7:15pm, CH sitting room
Present: Sarah, Gail, Mel, Jillian, Susa...
Process [[Meeting]]
7:15pm, CH sitting room
Present: Sarah, Gail, Mel, Jillian, Susa...
2004-09-08 Process minutes

[[Transclude [[ProcessCommittee]]ShortcutBar]]
2004-08-31 Process minutes

[[Transclude [[ProcessCommittee]]ShortcutBar]]
Process [[Committee]] [[Meeting]] 8/31/04
Present:Sarah, Susan, Amy H.,
Guests:Katie & Ca...
Process [[Committee]] [[Meeting]] 8/31/04
Present:Sarah, Susan, Amy H.,
Guests:Katie & Ca...
2004-08-11 Process minutes

[[Transclude [[ProcessCommittee]]ShortcutBar]]
Process cmtee meeting
7:15, CH sitting room
Present: Sarah, Sweet Jim, [[Elph]], Gai...
Process cmtee meeting
7:15, CH sitting room
Present: Sarah, Sweet Jim, [[Elph]], Gai...
2004-08-11 Process minutes

Process cmtee meeting 8/11/04 7:15, CH sitting roomrnrnPresent: Sarah, Sweet Jim, Elph, Gail, Jillian, Amy HrnrnAgenda 1. Check ins 2. Agenda review 3...
2004-07-27 Process minutes

[[Transclude [[ProcessCommittee]]ShortcutBar]]
Process cmtee meeting
July 27, 2004
Present: Sarah, [[Elph]], Sweet Jim, Gail, Jillian...
Process cmtee meeting
July 27, 2004
Present: Sarah, [[Elph]], Sweet Jim, Gail, Jillian...
2004-06-22 Process minutes

[[Transclude [[ProcessCommittee]]ShortcutBar]]
Process [[Meeting]]
7:15, Jim Sweeton's House
Present: Sarah, Gail, Jillian, Jim Sw, Mel
Process [[Meeting]]
7:15, Jim Sweeton's House
Present: Sarah, Gail, Jillian, Jim Sw, Mel
2004-06-09 Process minutes

[[Transclude [[ProcessCommittee]]ShortcutBar]]
Process cmtee meeting
7:15 pm, Gail's house
Present: Sweet Jim, Sarah, Gail, Susan K, Jill...
Process cmtee meeting
7:15 pm, Gail's house
Present: Sweet Jim, Sarah, Gail, Susan K, Jill...
2004-05-25 Process minutes

[[Transclude ProcessCOmmitteeShortcutBar]]
Process meeting
Tuesday, May 25
7:15-9 p.m. at Sarah's house, Unit #30
Present: Sarah, Gail, Sweet Ji...
Process meeting
Tuesday, May 25
7:15-9 p.m. at Sarah's house, Unit #30
Present: Sarah, Gail, Sweet Ji...
2004-05-14 Process minutes

[[Transclude [[ProcessCommittee]]ShortcutBar]]
Process cmtee meeting
7/14/2004, 7:15pm
Present: Jim Sw, Gail, Jillian, [[Elph]], Mel
Process cmtee meeting
7/14/2004, 7:15pm
Present: Jim Sw, Gail, Jillian, [[Elph]], Mel
2004-04-27 Process minutes

[[Transclude [[ProcessCommittee]]ShortcutBar]]
Process [[Meeting]] 4/27, 7 p.m. at Sarah's house
Present: Sarah, Gail, Jim Sweeton, Amy H., Jane...
Process [[Meeting]] 4/27, 7 p.m. at Sarah's house
Present: Sarah, Gail, Jim Sweeton, Amy H., Jane...
2004-04-25 Process minutes

GO Playstructure Meeting
2004-04-25 Process minutes

[[Transclude [[ProcessCommittee]]ShortcutBar]]
GO Playstructure [[Meeting]]
1:30-3:30, common house game room
Facilitators: Sarah and J...
GO Playstructure [[Meeting]]
1:30-3:30, common house game room
Facilitators: Sarah and J...
2004-04-14 Process minutes

[[Transclude [[ProcessCommittee]]ShortcutBar]]
Process [[Meeting]] 4-14-04, 7 p.m. at Gail's house
Present: Gail, Sarah, Lisa, and our special gu...
Process [[Meeting]] 4-14-04, 7 p.m. at Gail's house
Present: Gail, Sarah, Lisa, and our special gu...
2004-04-14 Process minutes

Process Meeting 4-14-04, 7 p.m. at Gail's house Present: Gail, Sarah, Lisa, and our special guest: TimrnrnWe talked with Tim and then adjourned as we ...
2004-03-23 Process minutes

[[Transclude [[ProcessCommittee]]ShortcutBar]]
Process cmtee meeting
Tuesday, 3/23/2004, 7pm, Jim Sweeton's house
Present: Amy H, Sarah, Gail, J...
Process cmtee meeting
Tuesday, 3/23/2004, 7pm, Jim Sweeton's house
Present: Amy H, Sarah, Gail, J...
2004-02-24 Process minutes

[[Transclude [[ProcessCommittee]]SHortcutBar]]
Process [[Committee]] Minutes 2-24-04
Present: Sarah, Susan, Gail, Jim Sw., Amy H. Mel, Mary...
Process [[Committee]] Minutes 2-24-04
Present: Sarah, Susan, Gail, Jim Sw., Amy H. Mel, Mary...
2004-01-27 Process minutes

[[Transclude ProcessCOmmitteeShortcutBar]]
Process [[Committee]] [[Meeting]]
at Jim Sweeton's #13
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
Present: Jim Sw., S...
Process [[Committee]] [[Meeting]]
at Jim Sweeton's #13
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
Present: Jim Sw., S...
2004-01-27 Process minutes

Process Committee Meeting at Jim Sweeton's #13 Tuesday, January 27, 2004rnrnPresent: Jim Sw., Susan, Mel, Gail, Amy H.rnrnMONKEY: Amy H. to contact Ni...
2004-01-11 Process minutes

[[Transclude [[ProcessCommittee]]ShortcutBar]]
Process [[Committee]] [[Meeting]]
Sunday 1/11/04
4pm, Jim Sweeton's house
Present: Amy H, Lisa, Ga...
Process [[Committee]] [[Meeting]]
Sunday 1/11/04
4pm, Jim Sweeton's house
Present: Amy H, Lisa, Ga...
2003-11-17 Lakestone (Eagle Point) Relationship Proposal

Lakestone (Eagle Point) Relationship Proposal, Paired with the Cohousing Council Proposal
2003-02-17 GO Minute-taking Guidelines

The minute taker is responsible for recording the highlights of the discussion during meetings, reflecting the nature and detail of the meeting. Afterwards, responsible for emailing out to the group the draft minutes, integrating feedback and publishing via email not as an attachment in a way that can be easily archived.
2003-02-15 Convenor Job Description

A committee's convener ensures that committee meetings happen on a planned schedule, track agenda, tracks the budget and ensures that minutes are taken and shared and communicated with the community.
2003-01-08 Conflict Resolution in Our Community

The proposal suggests forming a Conflict Resolution Committee (CRC) in the community to help with conflict resolution between individuals or households. The CRC will be a community resource and maintain confidentiality while providing guidance and mediation services, although certain types of conflict may require outside resources.
2002-04-01 Info on Stand-Asides and Blocks

When a participant wishes to block, this prevents the decision from going forward for the time being. A person stands aside when he or she cannot personally support the proposal but feels that it would be acceptable for the rest of the group to adopt it.
2001-09-17 Proposal Template proposal

Proposals should be drafted according to a specific template which provides for certain categories of information.
2001-06-27 Agenda Guidelines

Outline of how GO meeting agendas should be done.
2001-04-04 Consensus decision making

We will use consensus decision making unless we consense not to do so.
0000-00-00 Process minutes

4/13/20nnProcess Committee Meeting MinutesnnPresent: Jillian & PattinnAgenda:nn1.nnCheck-insn2.nnMonkey Reviewn3.nnProcess Projectsn1.nnMAY 2020 Work Seasonn2.nnReview Jillian’s blocking researchn<>n4.nnNext Process meetingn5.nnCooler:n1.nnWhat if we had a “committee corner” at each community meeting - twoncommittees would be “on deck” for 5 minutes each to share what they’renworking on - does not have to be formal.n2.nnRefreshing Policy Momentsnn