
show both show agreements show minutes

2024-07-15 Alumni Membership Role

The intention of this proposal is to provide a formally defined way for former members to stay connected with the Great Oak community.

2023-02-20 Proposal to clarify prospective member requirements

Clarify the wording on member requirements around attending community meetings

2020-12-20 Membership minutes

*Membership Committee Meeting*nn*12/20/2020 730p, Zoom*nn*Minute Taker: Emily*nn*Present: Susan, Emily, Keith*nnn*1. Overview of jobs for next work se...

2020-10-25 Membership minutes

Membership Meeting MinutesnnOct. 25, 2020, 730-830pm ZoomnnPresent: Emily, Susan K, Keithnn- *Brainstorm ways we can help the Covid ad hoc group with ...

2020-10-25 Membership minutes

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2020-07-19 Membership minutes

Membership Meeting minutes 7/19/20nnPresent: Emily and Susannnnnn1. *Membership Jobs for next work season - due 7/23. *nnnMembership Committee conven...

2020-05-29 Membership minutes

*Membership Committee meeting Minutes 5/29/2020 730pm Zoom *nn*Present: Emily, Susan K, Annie T-B*nn*Guest: Marta*nnnn1. How to acknowledge/honor Grea...

2020-05-29 Membership minutes

*Membership Committee meeting Minutes 5/29/2020 730pm Zoom *nn*Present: Emily, Susan K, Annie T-B*nn*Guest: Marta*nnnn1. How to acknowledge/honor Grea...

2020-05-26 Membership minutes

Membership meeting minutes, Sunday April 26nnPresent: Emily, Annie and SusannnnnDiscussed the Caring committee handoff to new Covid19 affordability ad...

2020-05-17 Membership minutes

Membership Committee meeting 5/17/2020 7pmnPresent: Emily, Susan K., Megannn1.* Review of Governor's Order and CDC Guidelines and how they impact hown...

2020-05-17 Membership minutes

Membership Committee meeting 5/17/2020 7pmnPresent: Emily, Susan K., Megannn1.* Review of Governor's Order and CDC Guidelines and how they impact hown...

2020-05-17 Membership minutes

yes, and the minutes went out as well.nnOn Wed, May 27, 2020 at 2:29 PM A T-b <atabatow at> wrote:nn> Did we meet on 5-17?n>n&gt...

2020-05-17 Membership minutes

Did we meet on 5-17?nnWarmly,nnAnnie Tabatowski-Bush, LMSW, EEM-CLP, SW-CHP, SW-CGnnEnergy Balancing for Health, LLCnnLicensed Masters Social WorknEde...

2020-05-03 Membership minutes

Membership meeting minutes, Sunday April 26nnPresent: Emily, Annie and SusannnnnDiscussed the Caring committee handoff to new Covid19 affordability ad...

2020-05-03 Membership minutes

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2020-03-26 Membership minutes

*Membership Meeting minutes, March 26, 2020 @2pm on Zoom*nn*Present: Susan, Annie, Megan*nnnSteering tasked Membership with creating some more social ...

2020-01-26 Membership minutes

*Membership Meeting minutes Sunday, January 26th, 7p-8p Unit #514 *nn*Present: Annie, Susan, Emily*nn*Minute taker: Emily*nnnUPDATE - SUSAN -nnSusan m...

2019-12-15 Membership minutes

*12/15 Membership meeting minutes*nn*Present: Emily, Susan, Annie*nn*Minute Taker: Emily *nnnnUPDATE - SUSAN -nnSusan is meeting with Work Community n...

2019-11-17 Membership minutes

Membership meeting Nov 17, 2019nnnnPresent: Emily, Annie, SusannnnnThe Membership committee received clarification on the $500.00 line itemnrequested ...

2019-10-15 Membership minutes

*Membership Committee Meeting Minutes*nnOct. 6th, 2019, 645pm-745pmnnPresent: Mary S., Annie, Susan, Emilynnminute taker: Emilynnn1. Address budget co...

2019-07-21 Membership minutes

*Membership Meeting Minutes*nn*July 21st, 2019, 645p-745p*nn*Present: Annie, Mary S., Susan (via speakphone), Emily*nnn1. MONKEY CHECK-INS:nnnMONKEY- ...

2019-06-23 Membership minutes

*Membership Committee Minutes*nnJune 23, 2019 645pm-745pmnnPresent: Emily, Annie, Mary S.nnMinute taker: Emilynnnn1. *Monkey check-ins:*nn*Update on O...

2019-04-27 Membership minutes

Great Oak Membership CommitteennMeeting MinutesnnApril 27, 2019nnnPresent: Bob, Emily, Susan, Robyn (TS), CatherinennMinute taker: Emilynnn*Robyn repo...

2019-03-19 Membership minutes

YEC Meeting minutes 3/19nnpresent: Sharon, Drew, Mary King, Emilynnminute taker: Emilynnn*Review draft of YEC Mandate*nnWe made edits to the YEC manda...

2019-02-26 Membership minutes

1- Megan: Update from Fun Club-nnn1.nnWinter Warm Up Party to be a nice winter gathering. Saturday night.nnPotluck. Pie contest. Open mic for people f...

2019-02-19 Membership minutes

*YEC meeting 2/19*nnPresent: Sharon, Mary K., EmilynnMinute taker: Emilynnn*Work assignments for next work season*nnMembership needs to know pre-assig...

2019-02-17 Membership minutes

>n> Bob- Monkey to ask Willie to add Anastasian> Membership Committee agreed to add Anastasia to rejoin mailing listnnnI have added her back ...

2019-02-17 Membership minutes

>n> Bob- Monkey to ask Willie to add Anastasian> Membership Committee agreed to add Anastasia to rejoin mailing listnnnI have added her back ...

2019-02-17 Membership minutes

Thanks WilliennOn Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 9:41 PM Willie Northway <willn at> wrote:nn> >n> > Bob- Monkey to ask Willie to add...

2019-02-17 Membership minutes

*Membership Committee meeting minutes*nn*Feb 17, 2019 *nnnPresent: Bob, Susan, Mary Swain, Tevah, Emilynnn*Meeting with Tevah, the “Ambassador t...

2019-02-17 Membership minutes

1- Megan: Update from Fun Club-nnn1.nnWinter Warm Up Party to be a nice winter gathering. Saturday night.nnPotluck. Pie contest. Open mic for people f...

2019-02-05 Membership minutes

*YEC meeting February 5, 2019*nPresent: Emily, Sharon, Mary K., Kelly, Yi-Miaunn*- Update on addressing teen CH use concerns *- Sharon, Emily and Mart...

2019-02-05 Membership minutes

*YEC meeting February 5, 2019*nPresent: Emily, Sharon, Mary K., Kelly, Yi-Miaunn*- Update on addressing teen CH use concerns *- Sharon, Emily and Mart...

2019-01-10 Membership minutes

*YEC Meeting 1/10/19*nn*7-8pm CH Sitting Room*nnn*Objective: Determine the Who, What, Where & When of responding to recentnteen CH use concerns*nn...

2018-12-31 Membership minutes

---------- Forwarded message ---------nFrom: Mary Swain <mlwswain at>nDate: Fri, Dec 21, 2018 at 4:57 PMnSubject: [go-talk] Membership...

2018-12-06 Membership minutes

Youth Engagement Committeen12-6-18nPresent 7-8: Kelly Clark, Drew Laird, Mary King, Emily Adama, Benny T-BnPresent 730-8: Jake T-B, SawyernMinute-take...

2018-11-26 Membership minutes

---------- Forwarded message ---------nFrom: Emily Adama <emilyadama at>nDate: Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 10:11 AMnSubject: Youth Engagement...

2018-11-11 Membership minutes

---------- Forwarded message ---------nFrom: Emily Adama <emilyadama at>nDate: Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 10:13 AMnSubject: Membership meeti...

2018-08-06 Membership minutes

Membership minutes 8/6/18nnPresent: Bob, Mary S., EmilynnMinute taker next meeting - SusannnFIC video planning - Our appointment for the Great Oak r...

2018-05-20 Membership minutes

Membership Minutes 5-20-18nnGO Sitting Room 7pmnnPresent: Susan, Bob, EmilynnBrief discussion to prioritize agenda items;nnMonkey reviewnnMonkey - Sus...

2018-01-21 Membership minutes

Membership minutes Jan 21st, 2018nnAttendance: Willie, Mary Swain, Bobnnn-nnWho is going to actually execute on some of these payments (remember wenad...

2017-05-24 Membership minutes

---------- Forwarded message ---------nFrom: Benjamin McBrayer <benjamin.mcbrayer at>nDate: Sat, Jun 3, 2017 at 5:28 PMnSubject: [go-t...

2017-04-30 Membership minutes

MEMBERSHIP MEETING MINUTES (4.30.2017)nnPresent: Ben McBrayer, Daniel Platt, Mary SwainnnAGENDAnn*Check insnn*New online membership directorynn*Member...

2017-01-08 Membership minutes

MEMBERSHIP MEETING MINUTES - 1/8/17nnPresent: Ben McBrayer, Daniel Platt, Tema SaricknnAGENDAnn*Check insnn*New online membership directory (in MESS)n...

2016-10-30 Membership minutes

*Membership Committee Meeting (10.30.16)*nnnnPresent: Ben McBrayer, Daniel PlattnnnnAGENDAnn*Check-insnn*Monthly Membership Updatenn*Schedule/assign c...

2016-08-17 Membership minutes

MEMBERSHIP MEETING MINUTES - 8/17/16nnPresent: Ben McBrayer, Daniel Platt, and Helen SimonnnAGENDAnn*Check insnn*New online membership directory (in M...

2016-07-22 Membership minutes

Hi Sarah and Membership,nnGaz is ready for his orientation, when you get a chance. Thanks!nnCatherinennCatherine FischernBirth Doula, Postpartum Doul...

2016-07-22 Membership minutes

HI All,nSarah and I are figuring out who will do Gaz' s orientation. More to comensoon.nnGaz-- Would you like a New Member Packet, or can you and Juli...

2016-07-18 Membership minutes

Hi Sarah and Membership,nnGaz is ready for his orientation, when you get a chance. Thanks!nnCatherinennCatherine FischernBirth Doula, Postpartum Doul...

2016-07-13 Membership minutes

MEMBERSHIP MEETING MINUTES - 7/13/16nnPresent: Ben McBrayer, Daniel Platt, Helen Simon, Syndallas Baughman, andnSarah RossnnAGENDAnn*Check insnn*New o...

2016-06-18 Membership minutes

*MEMBERSHIP MEETING MINUTES - 6/8/16*nnPresent: Ben, Dan, Judith S. & Helennn*AGENDA *** *Check ins *Membership Document Repository (CaringnCommi...

2016-05-20 Membership minutes

MEMBERSHIP MEETING MINUTES - 5/11/16nnPresent: Ben, Dan, Rachel (guest & recent member), HelennnAGENDAnn*Check insnn*Membership Document Repositor...

2016-03-26 Membership minutes

Hi Membership,nnI stopped in this a.m. to give suggestions.nnHelennnOn 3/24/2016 1:51 AM, Tevah Platt wrote:n> Hi committees,n> Work will alloca...

2016-03-14 Membership minutes

MEMBERSHIP MEETING MINUTES - 3/14/16nPresent: Sarah (guest), Nancy & HelennnWe had a brief meeting and did not cover the regular standard agenda.nnWe came up with a description for the newly added Membership job:nTri-Community Marketing Liaison, and Helen will enter it into the Wiki.n(See below.)nnWe came up with names of folks whom we will ask to consider taking thenMembership convener job, starting with the Spring-Summer, 2016 work season.nnWe also discussed possible alternative ideas, instead of the library boxnwhich we have been considering, by which to honor the memory of PaddynPryplesh, who passed away this past August: (1) a hanging pot ofnflowers (to be planted each spring at the same time as the big bluenpots) installed near the bench with the plaque which will be locatednnear the peace pole or (2) a bird bath in that same area.nnWe plan to meet again this month to cover the rest of our agenda,ntentatively on Monday, 3/21, at 2 pm at Nancy's place.nn

2016-03-14 Membership minutes

MEMBERSHIP MEETING MINUTES - 3/14/16nPresent: Sarah (guest), Nancy & HelennnWe had a brief meeting and did not cover the regular standard agenda.nnWe came up with a description for the newly added Membership job:nTri-Community Marketing Liaison, and Helen will enter it into the Wiki.n(See below.)nnWe came up with names of folks whom we will ask to consider taking thenMembership convener job, starting with the Spring-Summer, 2016 work season.nnWe also discussed possible alternative ideas, instead of the library boxnwhich we have been considering, by which to honor the memory of PaddynPryplesh, who passed away this past August: (1) a hanging pot ofnflowers (to be planted each spring at the same time as the big bluenpots) installed near the bench with the plaque which will be locatednnear the peace pole or (2) a bird bath in that same area.nnWe plan to meet again this month to cover the rest of our agenda,ntentatively on Monday, 3/21, at 2 pm at Nancy's place.nn

2016-02-08 Membership minutes

MEMBERSHIP MEETING MINUTES - 2/8/16nnPresent: Rachel, Nancy, HelennnAGENDAnn* Check insnn* Revising orientation processn* From Annual Calendar of Task...

2016-01-11 Membership minutes

MEMBERSHIP MEETING MINUTES - 1/11/16nnPresent: Nancy, Rachel, HelennnAGENDAnn*Check insnn* Revising orientation processn* Talk to Work Committee about...

2015-12-14 Membership minutes

MEMBERSHIP MEETING MINUTES - 12/14/15nnAGENDAnn*Checkinsnn*Revising orientation process.nn*Re Minutes: go over process for writing, editing, communica...

2015-12-14 Membership minutes

MEMBERSHIP MEETING MINUTES - 12/14/15nnAGENDAnn*Checkinsnn*Revising orientation process.nn*Re Minutes: go over process for writing, editing, communica...

2015-12-12 Membership minutes

November 16, 2015 Membership Meeting MinutesnnPresent: Nancy, Rachel, HelennnAGENDAnn*Check insn*Who owns car with Mass. license plates, parked in row...

2015-12-12 Membership minutes

October 12, 2015 Membership Committee MinutesnnPresent: Helen, Nancy, RachelnnAGENDAnn* Check insnn*Revising Orientation Processnn*Membership Document...

2015-10-10 Membership minutes

September 10, 2015 Membership Committee Meeting MinutesnnPresent: Rachel, Nancy, HelennnAGENDAn* Check insnn* Revising Orientation Processn* As needed...

2015-08-08 Membership minutes

June 8, 2015 Membership Committee Meeting MinutesnnPresent: Catherine, Helen, RachelnnAGENDAnn-nnCheck insn-nnRevising Orientation Processn-nnPlan sc...

2015-08-06 Membership minutes

June 8, 2015 Membership Committee Meeting MinutesnnPresent: Catherine, Helen, RachelnnAGENDAnn-nnCheck insn-nnRevising Orientation Processn-nnPlan sc...

2015-08-06 Membership minutes

August 6, 2015 Membership Committee Meeting MinutesnPresent: Catherine, Helen, RachelnnnAGENDAn* Check insn* Revising Orientation Processn* Plan scav...

2015-06-08 Membership minutes

June 8, 2015 Membership Committee Meeting MinutesnnPresent: Catherine, Helen, RachelnnAGENDAnCheck insnNew Member PacketnRevising Orientation Process...

2015-05-15 Membership minutes

Check ins
New Member Packet
Revising Orientation Process
Annual Calendar of Tasks
Green Fair Planning
As needed: Welcomes and Orientations, Goodbyes, Youth Members
Monthly Membership Update
Directory for former members
Regular check ins with Fun, Child Care, Touchstone Ambassador & Outreach Contact person
Future Meetings
Caring Committee
Monkey Review

2015-04-07 Membership minutes

April 4, 2015 Membership Committee Meeting MinutesnnPresent: Catherine, Helen, RachelnnAGENDAnn-nnCheck insn-nnNew Member Packetn-nnNew Member Survey...

2015-04-04 Membership minutes

Check ins
New Member Packet
New Member Survey
Annual Calendar of Tasks (we will discuss at next meeting)
As needed: Welcomes and Orientations, Goodbyes, Youth Members
Monthly Membership Update
Directory Question
Regular check ins with Fun, Child Care,Touchstone Ambassador & Outreach Contact person
Future Meetings
Committee- Monkey Review

2015-03-22 Membership minutes

February 21, 2015 Membership Committee Meeting MinutesnnPresent: Catherine, Helen, Rachel, PamnnAGENDAnn-nnCheck insn-nnCaring Committeen-nnNew Membe...

2015-03-22 Membership minutes

*March 21, 2015 Membership Committee Meeting MinutesPresent: Catherine,nHelen, RachelAGENDA - Check ins- Caring Committee- Revising OrientationnProce...

2015-03-06 Membership minutes

February 21, 2015 Membership Committee Meeting MinutesnnPresent: Catherine, Helen, Rachel, PamnnAGENDAnn-nnCheck insn-nnCaring Committeen-nnNew Membe...

2015-02-21 Membership minutes

January 16, 2015 Membership Committee Meeting MinutesnnPresent: Catherine, Helen, RachelnnAGENDAnn-nnCheck insn-nnNew Member Pollsn-nnMembership job descriptionsn-nnNew Member Packetn-nnCaring Committeen-nnAs needed: Welcomes and Orientations, Goodbyes, Youth Membersn-nnCaring Committee (tabled)n-nnMarketing meeting with Sunward/Touchstone (tabled)n-nnMonthly Membership Updaten-nnRegular check ins with Fun, Child Care, Touchstone Ambassador & OutreachnContact personn-nnAnnual calendar of tasks? (tabled)n-nnFuture Meetingsn-nnMonkey Reviewnn

2015-01-21 Membership minutes

Sorry, just discovered that these never got sent to the community!nnnOctober, 2014 Membership Committee Meeting MinutesnnPresent: Catherine, Helen, RachelnnAGENDAnn-nnCheck insn-nnMembership job descriptions, mandaten-nnWinter work seasonn-nnNew Member Packetn-nnGlossary forn-nnUpdatesn-nn2015 Membership Budget--clarification about magazinen-nnCaring Committeen-nnMember Directory Updates, Emergency Contact Infon-nnAs needed: Welcomes and Orientations, Goodbyes, Youth Membersn-nnMonthly Membership Updaten-nnRegular check ins with Fun, Child Care & Outreach Contact personn-nnFuture Meetingsn-nnMonkey Reviewnn

2015-01-16 Membership minutes

January 16 2015 Membership Committee Meeting MinutesnnPresent: Catherine, Helen, RachelnnAGENDAnn-nnCheck insn-nnNew Member Pollsn-nnMembership job descriptionsn-nnNew Member Packetn-nnCaring Committeen-nnAs needed: Welcomes and Orientations, Goodbyes, Youth Membersn-nnCaring Committee (tabled)n-nnMarketing meeting with Sunward/Touchstone (tabled)n-nnMonthly Membership Updaten-nnRegular check ins with Fun, Child Care, Touchstone Ambassador & OutreachnContact personn-nnAnnual calendar of tasks? (tabled)n-nnFuture Meetingsn-nnMonkey Reviewnn

2014-12-08 Membership minutes

Check ins
Membership job descriptions
New Member Packet
Caring Committee
Member Directory Updates, Emergency Contact Info
As needed: Welcomes and Orientations, Goodbyes, Youth Members
Caring Committee
Monthly Membership Update
Regular check ins with Fun, Child Care, Touchstone Ambassador & Outreach
Contact person
Future Meetings
Monkey Review

2014-11-05 Membership minutes

Check ins
Membership job descriptions, mandate
New Member Packet
Caring Committee
Member Directory Updates, Emergency Contact Info
As needed: Welcomes and Orientations, Goodbyes, Youth Members
Monthly Membership Update
Regular check ins with Fun, Child Care & Outreach Contact person,
touchstone ambassador
Future Meetings
Monkey Review

2014-10-04 Membership minutes

Membership job descriptions, mandate
Winter work season
New Member Packet
Glossary for New Member Packet
2015 Membership Budget--clarification about magazine
Caring Committee
Member Directory Updates, Emergency Contact Info
As needed: Welcomes and Orientations, Goodbyes, Youth Members
Monthly Membership Update
Regular check ins with Fun, Child Care & Outreach Contact person

2014-09-08 Membership minutes

Check ins
Touchstone Ambassador
Caring Committee
Honoring Elders--Elder's Brigade email list
As needed: Welcomes and Orientations, Goodbyes, Youth Members (Bruno--CH dinner)- Monthly Membership Update (Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.)
Future Meetings

2014-08-04 Membership minutes

Check ins
Work-- go over Membership job descriptions, look over previous work
survey preferences
Cohousing tours--follow up discussion
TS Ambassador job--moving from Steering to Membership?
Honoring Elders--Elder's Brigade email list
Youth Members
Caring Committee
Welcomes and Orientations, Goodbyes
New Member Packet updates
Monthly Membership Update
Regular check ins with Fun, Child Care & Outreach Contact person

2014-07-07 Membership minutes

Check ins
Work-- go over Membership job descriptions, look over previous work
survey preferences (moved to future agenda)
Meals for prospective buyers/renters
Cohousing Tours
Caring Committee
Youth Members (check our list)
Welcomes and Orientations, Goodbyes Jenna
Monthly Membership Update
Regular check ins with Fun, Child Care & Outreach Contact person

2014-07-07 Membership minutes

Check ins
Work-- go over Membership job descriptions, look over previous work
survey preferences (moved to future agenda)
Meals for prospective buyers/renters
Cohousing Tours
Caring Committee
Youth Members (check our list)
Welcomes and Orientations, Goodbyes Jenna
Monthly Membership Update
Regular check ins with Fun, Child Care & Outreach Contact person

2014-06-02 Membership minutes

*June 2, 2014 Membership Committee Meeting MinutesPresent: Catherine,nHelen, Amy, Becky H., Kelly, Rachel - Check ins- Work with Becky Hoort-nHonorin...

2014-05-05 Membership minutes

Check ins
Honoring Elders
Caring Committee
Youth Members Turning 10: Sawyer (July)
Welcomes and Orientations:, Jennifer and Ben-- May Goodbyes: Rockelle
& Michael, end of May
Community potluck meals on Thanksgiving and Christmas
Monthly Membership Update
Update of New Member Packet
Regular check ins with Fun, Child Care & Outreach Contact person
Future Meetings
Monkey Review

2014-04-16 Membership minutes

April 7, 2014nMembership Committee Meeting MinutesnPresent: Catherine, Helen, Amy, Kelly, Pamn

2014-03-13 Membership minutes

March 3, 2014nMembership Committee Meeting MinutesnPresent: Catherine, Helen, Amy, Hermann, Kellyn

2014-02-09 Membership minutes

February 3, 2014nnMembership Committee Meeting MinutesnnPresent: Catherine, Helen, Amynn

2014-01-11 Membership minutes

January 6, 2014nnMembership Committee Meeting MinutesnnPresent: Catherine, Helen, Amynn

2013-12-24 Membership minutes

December 2, 2013nnMembership Committee Meeting MinutesnnPresent: Catherine, Helen, Amynn

2013-12-24 Membership minutes

December 2, 2013nnMembership Committee Meeting MinutesnnPresent: Catherine, Helen, Amynn

2013-12-11 Membership minutes

Minutes from last month...nnNovember 4, 2013nnMembership Committee Meeting MinutesnnPresent: Catherine, Helen, Amynn

2013-12-11 Membership minutes

December 2, 2013nnMembership Committee Meeting MinutesnnPresent: Catherine, Helen, Amynn

2013-12-03 Membership minutes

Minutes from last month...nnNovember 4, 2013nnMembership Committee Meeting MinutesnnPresent: Catherine, Helen, Amynn

2013-10-21 Membership minutes

October 7, 2013nnMembership Committee Meeting MinutesnnPresent: Catherine, Helen, Amynn

2013-09-11 Membership minutes

September 9, 2013nnMembership Committee Meeting MinutesnnPresent: Catherine, Helen, AmynnGuest: Gayle Turnernn

2013-08-06 Membership minutes

August 5, 2013nnMembership Committee Meeting MinutesnnPresent: Catherine, Helen, Amynn

2013-08-06 Membership minutes

July 22, 2013nnMembership Committee Meeting MinutesnnPresent: Catherine, Helen, Amynn

2013-08-04 Membership minutes

July 22, 2013nnMembership Committee Meeting MinutesnnPresent: Catherine, Helen, Amynn

2013-06-10 Membership minutes

June 10, 2013nnMembership Committee Meeting MinutesnnPresent: Catherine, Helen, Amynn

2013-05-19 Membership minutes

May 13, 2013nMembership Committee Meeting MinutesnPresent: Catherine, Helennnn

2013-04-20 Membership minutes

*nnApril 13, 2013nnMembership Committee Meeting MinutesnnPresent: Catherine, Helen, Amynn

2013-03-11 Membership minutes

*Membership Committee Minutes March 11, 2013nnPresent: Catherine, Helen, Amynn

2013-02-11 Membership minutes

*Membership Committee Minutes February 11, 2013nnPresent: Catherine, Helen, Amynn

2013-02-06 Membership minutes

*Great Oak Cohousing Business Meeting MinutesnFebruary 6, 2013nnPresent:nCatherine, Elph, Jillian, Hope, Sarah, Nicholas, Aaron, Willie, Sari,nVincent...

2013-02-06 Membership minutes

*Great Oak Cohousing Business Meeting MinutesnFebruary 6, 2013nnPresent:nCatherine, Elph, Jillian, Hope, Sarah, Nicholas, Aaron, Willie, Sari,nVincent...

2013-01-14 Membership minutes

*Membership Committee Minutes January 14, 2013nnPresent: Catherine, Helen, Amynn

2012-12-10 Membership minutes

*Membership Committee Minutes December 10, 2012nnPresent: Catherine, Helen, JudithnnAGENDAnCheck insnNew member ceremonies-Sarah’s new renter Youth members: Anya, Zuvuya Teennmembers: Andrew, Jacob?nOrientation improvements--prepare agenda item for Wednesday’s meetingnShort Term RentersnTee Shirt sale--final reportnAdvertising request for GO websitenCaring Committee Check-innRegular check ins with Fun, Childcare & Outreach Contact personnFuture MeetingsnMonkey Reviewn

2012-11-12 Membership minutes

*Membership Committee Minutes November 12, 2012nnPresent: Catherine, HelennnAGENDAnCheck insnNew member ceremonies-Sarah’s new renter Goodbyes: Craig, Fatima & familiesnYouth members: Anya Teen members: AndrewnOrientation: Sarah’s new renternOrientation improvementsnTouchstone MarketingnTee Shirt salenCaring Committee Check-innRegular check ins with Fun, Childcare & Outreach Contact personnFuture MeetingsnMonkey Reviewn

2012-09-04 Membership minutes

*Membership Committee Minutes August 26, 2012nnPresent: Catherine, HelennnAGENDAnCheck insnNew member ceremonies-LUKE /Goodbyes-XInOrganizing “Photo Booth” for New Photos for DirectorynNew Member Packet/Prospective Member Packet/Realtor PacketnOrientation improvements--how to get the community in the loop?n2013 BudgetnTee Shirt salenCaring Committee Check-innRegular check ins with Fun, Childcare & Outreach Contact personnFuture MeetingsnMonkey Reviewn

2012-08-20 Membership minutes

*Membership Committee Minutes October 8, 2012nnPresent: Helen, PamnnAGENDAnCheck insnNew member ceremonies-ROCKELLE & MICHAEL Goodbyes: Craig, Fatima & familiesnYouth members: Anya Teen members: AndrewnOrientation: Hope’s renters Orientation improvementsn2013 BudgetnTouchstone MarketingnTee Shirt salenCaring Committee Check-innRegular check ins with Fun, Childcare & Outreach Contact personnFuture MeetingsnMonkey Reviewn

2012-06-25 Membership minutes

*Membership Committee Minutes June 25, 2012nnPresent: Catherine, HelennnAGENDAnCheck insnNew member ceremonies-LUKE /Youth Members MAX/Goodbyes-AKIVAS, KENDRAnCoordinating Marketing with Touchstone--Role of ambassador to TSnOrganizing “Photo Booth” for New Photos for DirectorynNew Member Packet/Prospective Member Packet/Realtor Packet discuss/updatenn- look at revisionsn- resend to realtor?n- upload revisions to website?nnOrientation improvements--how to get the community in the loop?nJobs for next work seasonnn- pre-assignmentsn- convenor hoursn- new job descriptionsn- filling Rachel’s jobsnnLakestone and fireworksnTee Shirt salenCaring Committee Check-innRegular check ins with Fun, Childcare & Outreach Contact personnFuture MeetingsnMonkey Reviewn

2012-05-28 Membership minutes

*Membership Committee Minutes May 28, 2012nnPresent: Catherine, Helen PamnnAGENDAnCheck insnBuddy Check ins/New member ceremonies/Youth Members/GoodbyesnCoordinating Marketing with TouchstonenOrganizing “Photo Booth” for New Photos for DirectorynNew Member Packet/Prospective Member Packet/Realtor Packet discuss/updatenas needednCaring Committee Check-innRegular check ins with Fun, Childcare & Outreach Contact personnFuture MeetingsnMonkey Reviewn

2012-04-23 Membership minutes

Membership Committee Minutes April 23, 2012nPresent: Catherine, Helen PamnAGENDAnCheck insnAs needed...Orientations (Judy/Kito/Brice/Iqbal)/ Buddy Check ins/Newnmember ceremonies/YouthnMembers /GoodbyesnGO DirectoriesnHistorical List of GO ResidentsnCaring Committee Check-innKeeping Track of Budget Line ItemsnUpdating Packets this work seasonnChecking in with Fun & Caring & Contact person & Childcare this work seasonnFuture MeetingsnMonkey Reviewn

2012-03-05 Membership minutes

*Membership Committee Minutes March 5 2012nnPresent: Catherine, Helen PamnnAGENDAnCheck insnAs needed...Orientations (Judy/Kito/Brice/Iqbal)/ Buddy Check ins/Newnmember ceremonies (Brice, Iqbal, Kito, Judy)/Youth Members /GoodbyesnGO DirectoriesnHistorical List of GO ResidentsnCaring Committee Check-innGO & Lakestone--Next StepsnKeeping Track of Budget Line ItemsnUpdating Packets this work seasonnChecking in with Fun & Caring & Contact person & Childcare this work seasonnFuture MeetingsnMonkey Reviewn

2012-01-29 Membership minutes


2012-01-23 Membership minutes

Membership Committee Minutes      January 23, 2012nnPresent:     Catherine, Helen PamnnAGENDAnCheck insnAs needed...Orientations (Greg/Brice/Iqbal)/ Buddy Check ins/Newnmember ceremonies (Brice & Iqbal)/nYouth Members(Simon, Talia, Bruno,) /Goodbyes--NicholasnGO DirectoriesnHistorical List of GO ResidentsnCaring Committee Check-innGO & Lakestone--Next StepsnKeeping Track of Budget Line ItemsnUpdating Packets this work seasonnChecking in with Fun & Caring & Contact person & Childcare     this work seasonnFuture MeetingsnMonkey Reviewn

2012-01-16 Revised Membership Committee Mandate

the Membership Committee includes facilitating outreach, education, social events, and welcoming new members. The Caring Committee provides assistance and support for those in difficult situations, while the Fun Committee organizes community-wide events, but the Membership Committee does not have the responsibility of ensuring member happiness or resolving conflicts.

2011-12-14 Membership minutes

Membership Meeting Minutes 12/14/11nnPresent: Catherine, Sarah, MegannnMembership met briefly to check in with Megan, as the Fun Committeenrepresenta...

2011-10-16 Membership minutes

At a meeting on 10/1/11 the Membership Committee (Pam & Catherine,nwith input from Megan and community emails) decided to propose thenfollowing b...

2011-10-16 Membership minutes

Membership Committee Minutes October 16, 2011nnPresent: Catherine, Sarah, PamnnAGENDAnCheck insnAs needed...Buddy assignments/ Buddy Check ins/New member ceremonies/nYouth Members/GoodbyesnMembership Jobs for Winter Work SeasonnMandate RevisionsnGO DirectoriesnHistorical List of GO ResidentsnCaring Committee Check-innGO & Lakestone-Next StepsnFuture MeetingsnMonkey Reviewn

2011-10-02 Membership minutes

At a meeting on 10/1/11 the Membership Committee (Pam & Catherine,nwith input from Megan and community emails) decided to propose thenfollowing b...

2011-07-16 Membership minutes

Membership Committee Minutes July 16, 2011nnPresent: Catherine, Sarah, PamnnNEW MONKEYSnCatherine will put the mandate onto a community meeting agenda.nCatherine will talk to some folks about ideas and then set up anmeeting with Tech about how we get new members oriented/included withnonline systems.nCatherine will pass along our thanks to Rachel and also check in aboutnchildcare docs on the wiki-still relevant or not?nCatherine will send brief job descriptions to Work Committee.nSarah will set up goodbye event for PeternPam will help with logistics of Peter's eventnSarah will take photos of Xi and Alan and upload to directorynCatherine will send email to parents about updating kid photosnSarah will phone the people who were involved with the Labor Day BlocknParty (from Lakestone, Sunward and Touchstone) and organize a potlucknfor those who are interested in another organizing effort.nnnAGENDAnCheck insnMembership Committee Mandate--FinalizenAs needed...Buddy assignments (Xi)/ Buddy Check ins/New membernceremonies/ Youth Members/Goodbyes (Peter) as needed/nNew Member Packet/Prospective Member Packet/Realtor Packetndiscuss/upate as needednGO Directories-uploading Anya's photo, taking Alan's photonSteering CommitteenHistorical list of GO ResidentsnCaring Committee Check-innGO & Lakestone-Next StepsnFuture MeetingsnMonkey Reviewn

2011-05-15 Membership minutes

Membership Committee Minutes May 15, 2011nnPresent: Catherine, Sarah, PamnnNEW MONKEYSnCatherine will email mandate revisions to Sarah and Pam. (If nonfurther discussion, Catherine will put the mandate onto a communitynmeeting agenda.)nRe-monkey: We will continue to check in with new members re: theirnbuddy experience.n(Elisha - Sarah; Becky and Hermann, Gayle - Pam; Nicholas-Catherine)nCatherine will update on-line New Member PacketnCatherine and Sarah will organize a community building potlucknCatherine will email block party contact list to SarahnSarah will get photos of people who are missing from the directory.nSarah will post revised historical list of GO residents as a googlendoc and ask others to help completennAGENDAnCheck insnMembership Committee Mandate--ReviewnAs needed...Buddy assignments/ Buddy Check ins/New member ceremonies/nYouth Members/Goodbyes as needed/nNew Member Packet/Prospective Member Packet/Realtor Packetndiscuss/upate as needednGO DirectoriesnSteering CommitteenHistorical list of GO ResidentsnShared signage on Parkland PlazanCaring Committee Check-innGO & Lakestone-Next StepsnFuture MeetingsnMonkey Reviewn

2011-02-21 Membership minutes

Membership Committee Minutes February 19, 2011

Present: Catherine, Sarah, Pam

--Catherine will write up suggested Membership Committee Mandate
changes for next meeting.
- Sarah will get photos of people who are missing from the directory.
--Sarah will check in with Gail G. about her intention around inviting
Membership to the cohousing elders meeting.
--Sarah will post revised historical list of GO residents as a google
doc and ask others to help complete
--Pam and Sarah will continue to check in with new members re: their
buddy experience.
Syndallas - Sarah
Elisha - Sarah
Becky and Hermann - Pam
Gayle - Pam

Check ins
As needed...Buddy assignments/ Buddy Check ins/New member ceremonies/
Youth Members
Goodbyes as needed/
New Member Packet follow up
GO Directories
Steering Committee
List of GO Residents
Shared signage on Parkland Plaza
Caring Committee Check-in
Membership Committee Mandate--Review
GO and Lakestone-Next Steps
Future Meetings
Monkey Review

2011-01-16 Membership minutes

Membership Committee Minutes January 15, 2011nnPresent: Catherine, Sarah, PamnnNEW MONKEYSn- Willie will assist Catherine to get the Cover of the N...

2010-11-23 Membership minutes

Membership Committee Minutes 11/20/10nnPresent: Catherine, Sarah, DebbiennMONKEYSnCatherine will ask Willie about link to NMP from GO website or addi...

2010-09-19 Membership minutes

Membership Committee Minutes 9/19/10nnPresent: Catherine, Pam, SarahnnMONKEYSnCatherine will ask Syndallas if she would like social connection buddynCatherine will look at buddy to-do list & see if revising is needednSarah will schedule new member ceremony w. KendranCatherine will be in touch with new buyers & send info to talk as appropriate.nSarah will organize goodbye for Greg & Cher, Sunday 9/26 beforendinner, in the sitting roomnPam will track Gabe's first asst. cook shift (in October?) and make ansimple announcement at dinner, give certificatenSarah will be point person for gatherings to help with cool/coldnweather socializingnSarah will send out flyer with fall/winter social gathering dates tongive people an idea of what's coming upnCatherine will work on getting an on-line NMP set up also ask Williento add it to gocoho/my pagenSarah will represent Membership at Oct. 3 Steering Mtg.nPam & Catherine will take Nov & Dec Steering Mtgs.nSarah will request the check & send to Natl. Cohousing AssociationnCatherine will check w. Megan about Fun Committee budgetnPam will check with Kathy about billing feasibility for voluntaryndonations to Caring CommitteenCatherine will send email to community about realtor packet on google docsnPam & Catherine will give written feedback to Sarah about list of GO residentsnSarah will add last names of GO residents to listnSarah will post revised list of GO residents and ask others to help completennAGENDAnCheck insnWelcome, Pam!nBuddy assignments/(new buyers)nBuddy Check ins/(Peter/Elisha/Syndallas/Kendra)nNew member ceremonies/(schedule w. Kendra)nGoodbyes as needed (Greg & Cher)nYouth Members--GabenSarah's ideas about organizing gatherings for fall/winternNew member packet-next stepsnNational Coho Assoc donationnTeen Member IdeasnTween member Ideas-suggestion boxnSteering Committee repsnOutreach to realtors/appraisersnMonkey reviewsnnOther topics as time allows:nExit/greeting interviewsnCaring Committee Check inn

2010-08-07 Membership minutes

Membership Committee Minutes 8/7/10nnPresent: Catherine, Debbie, SarahnnMONKEYSnCatherine will invite Elisha & Peter to August 16 meeting. Catherinenwill check with Patti & Gabe about teen ceremony that night.nnCatherine will check with Adi, Erik about being social connectionnbuddies for PeternnDebbie and Craig will be social connection buddies for ElishannSarah will coordinate kid participation in making friendship braceletsnfor new kids.nnSarah will check w Willie about how to get links to GO websitesnnCatherine will talk with teens and their parents as she drafts thenteen budget proposal.nnSarah--Friendship bracelets for the new girls?nnSarah— will draft sections of New Member Packet: Passwords, Work, CRC,nCaring, Fun, GardennnSarah will start drafting list of people who have lived at GOnnAGENDAnCheck insnBuddy assignments/check ins/new member ceremonies/goodbyes—Peter/ Elisha/GabenNew member packetnNational Cohousing AssociationnTeen Member Ideas—suggestion box, budget for teens?n2011 budgetnOutreach to realtorsnMonkey reviewsn

2010-07-05 Membership minutes

Membership Committee Minutes 7/5/10nnPresent: Catherine, Debbie, Sarah, MaxnnMONKEYSnCatherine will be Elisha’s buddynCatherine will put welcome ceremony on August meeting agendanCatherine—will draft sections of New Member Packet: Membership,nIntroduction—why our structure, seasonal info, Process/Meetings,nSteering, email etiquette linknCatherine will revise the teen member agreement and bring it to anbusiness meeting for approval.nCatherine-- Check with Willie about fall work season. Also withnMargaret and Pam.nnSarah will email Hope to find out when is a good time for angoodbye/good wishes event,nSarah will also check with Tammy/Eric about ideas for Hope’s goodbyenSarah--Friendship bracelets for the new girls?nSarah— will draft sections of New Member Packet: Passwords, Work, CRC,nCaring, Fun, GardennSarah—look into our membership of National Cohousing Assoc.nSarah will check in with Kelly about turning over Membership historynlist to the committee for finishing (whonmoved in and moved out when)nSarah will get missing photos for Member directory, and upload themnnDebbie will get gift from Dale for August business mtg.nDebbie will coordinate the social connection buddies for ElishanDebbie— will draft sections of New Member Packet: Workshop, Grounds,nCommon House (Becky), Meals (Mary K.)nDebbie will check w. Megan about continuing w. fun committee—alsonthink about 3rd personnDebbie will talk to Joe about teen member program,nnWillie will draft one page executive summary of all the types of memberships.nWillie--Add putting member photos in directory to buddy to-do listnnAGENDAnCheck insnBuddy assignments/check ins/new member ceremonies/goodbyes—Elisha/HopenNew member packetnFall job assignmentsnInitial thoughts—2011 budgetnMonkey reviewsnnOther topics as time allows:nContact listnExit/greeting interviewsnInclusive mealsnEvaluate outreach processnCaring Committee Proposal from PamnMembership list from Kellyn

2010-06-08 Membership minutes

Membership Minutes 6/8/10nnPresent: Catherine, Willie, DebbiennMONKEYSnDebbie will check in about Caring Committee Proposal from PamnSarah will check in with Kelly about Membership history list (whonmoved in and moved out when)nCatherine will revise the teen member agreement and bring it to anbusiness meeting for approval.nWillie will draft one page executive summary of all the types of memberships.nCatherine will email draft outline for new member packet before thennext meeting and send out for feedback.nCheck with Sam/family and Joe and family about Teen Member program--n--Debbie will talk to Joe,n--Sarah will talk to Sam and family,n--Catherine: Gabe/PattinSarah will get missing photos for Member directory, and upload themnCatherine will check in w. Margaret about how she's getting settled innCatherine will email landlords and hopeful sellers to ask for people'sncooperation in letting membership know the basics when a new householdnwill be moving in.nWillie--Add putting member photos in directory to buddy to-do listnnnAGENDAnCheck insnCaring Committee Proposal from PamnMembership list from KellynBuddy check ins/new member ceremonies (as needed)nNew member packetnRevise committee mandate/discuss input from Skills & Thrillsnweekend—getting startednnnOther topics as time allows:nInclusive mealsnContact listnEvaluate outreach processnExit/greeting interviewsnMonkey reviewsnn

2010-05-14 Membership minutes

Membership Minutes 5/14/10nnPresent: Catherine, Debbie A., Sarah, MaxnnAGENDAnCheck insnIntro to MembershipnBuddies and Welcome CeremoniesnCaring Committee AgreementnWork on list of GO residents move-in and move-outsnMonkey reviewsnnOther topics as time allows:nInclusive mealsnRevise committee mandatenContact listnEvaluate outreach processnExit/greeting interviewsnn

2010-04-16 Membership minutes

Membership Minutes 4/16/10nnPresent: Catherine, KellynnAGENDAnCheck insnBuddy email results, Buddies and Welcome CeremoniesnCaring Committee AgreementnFeedback from skills and thrills weekendnCover sheet for realtor packet/also consider reaching out to realtorsnCommunities Magazine SubscriptionnTeen members/young membersnWork on list of GO residents move-in and move-outsnMonkey reviewsnnOther topics as time allows:nInclusive mealsnRevise committee mandatenContact listnEvaluate outreach processnExit/greeting interviewsnn

2010-03-17 Membership minutes

Membership Minutes 3/12/10nnPresent: Catherine, KellynnAGENDAnnCheck insnFinalizing buddy to-do listnMembership jobs for May-AugustnCover sheet for realtor packet/also consider reaching out to realtorsnFeedback from skills and thrills weekendnUpdate on outreachnTeen members/young membersnIntentional Communities SurveynNew Member Welcome updatenRequest for list of GO residents move-in and move-outsnMonkey reviewsnnOther topics as time allows:nInclusive mealsnRevise committee mandatenContact listnEvaluate outreach processnUpdating biosn

2010-02-13 Membership minutes

Membership Minutes 1/29/10nnPresent: Catherine, Kelly, Greg SP, SarahnnAGENDAnnCheck insnReview Committee MandatenMonkey reviewnBuddy support check-in (See below)nReview Disengaged Household Survey SummarynFinalizing meeting times for upcoming monthsnInclusive MealsnContact ListnEvaulate Outreach Process?nNew member ceremonies for new buyers and rentersnTeen members/Young membersnn

2010-02-12 Membership minutes

Membership Minutes 2/12/10nnPresent: Catherine, Greg SP, SarahnnAGENDAnnCheck insnUpdate Buddy to-do listnBuddy check-in from SarahnDisengaged househ...

2010-01-29 Membership minutes

Membership Minutes 1/29/10nnPresent: Catherine, Kelly, Greg SP, SarahnnAGENDAnnCheck insnReview Committee MandatenMonkey reviewnBuddy support check-in (See below)nReview Disengaged Household Survey SummarynFinalizing meeting times for upcoming monthsnInclusive MealsnContact ListnEvaulate Outreach Process?nNew member ceremonies for new buyers and rentersnTeen members/Young membersnn

2010-01-29 Membership minutes

Membership Minutes 1/29/10nnPresent: Catherine, Kelly, Greg SP, SarahnnAGENDAnnCheck insnReview Committee MandatenMonkey reviewnBuddy support check-in (See below)nReview Disengaged Household Survey SummarynFinalizing meeting times for upcoming monthsnInclusive MealsnContact ListnEvaulate Outreach Process?nNew member ceremonies for new buyers and rentersnTeen members/Young membersnn

2009-12-05 Membership minutes

Membership Minutes 12/05/09
Present: Patti, Emily, Greg SP and Cher. (No Sarah or Kelly)


* Monkey review
* Buddy support check-in
* Rev...

2009-11-21 Membership minutes

Membership minutes 11/21/09

Present: Sarah, Patti, Kelly, Emily

* Review Mandate
* Review Emily's report
* Respond to steering request to eva...

2009-05-24 Membership minutes

Attending: Emily, Adi

- June 6 garage sale

Emily will put an ad in Craigslist -- there will be a bunch of people putting
stuff out on the basketball...

2009-04-15 Membership minutes

In attendance: Sarah and Rachel via email (she was sick)

I. Proposal from membership for work day
We discussed the need and desire to clean/pick up ...

2009-03-07 Membership minutes

Meeting February 25, 2009, 7 p.m. dining room
In attendance: Sarah, Emily and Mary King

1. combined committee jobs would require a description of t...

2009-01-13 Membership minutes

jan 12, 6:15 p.m., common house dining room
present: emily, sarah, rachel with guest appearances from susan, joel, tom,
kathy, lucy, sam, toby and ner...

2008-10-29 Membership minutes

october 22, 2008, 6:45 p.m.

present: sarah, rachel, emily, tom, debbi s., kathy b.,tom, nera

bees: we are plannning an excursion to see a beekeeper...

2008-09-10 Membership minutes

present: sarah, rachel, emily, tom, nera, tali and bo

date: sept. 9, 2008, 6:45 p.m.

Great Oak Honey: Beekeeping

seminar for $18 at wccc. sarah mi...

2008-07-07 Membership minutes

july 6, 2008, 8 p.m.
> walking meeting
> present: emily, malcolm and sprout
> review of july 4th
> -parade and puppet were a huge su...

2008-07-07 Membership minutes

Note that Melisa has been running just such a soccer league for years
now (Sunward Soccer). She may be getting ready to pass the torch,
though--maybe ...

2008-07-06 Membership minutes

july 6, 2008, 8 p.m.
> walking meeting
> present: emily, malcolm and sprout
> review of july 4th
> -parade and puppet were a huge su...

2008-06-06 Membership minutes

membership walking meeting commenced on june 5, 2008 at 8:35
in attendance: People: Sarah, Malcolm and Emily and Dogs: Reba, Sprout and

1. welc...

2008-05-13 Membership minutes

in attendance: emily, reba, sarah and babe

defined the goals of the membership committee: to promote great oak to
potential members and to make liv...

2008-01-21 Great Oak Membership Policy

The policy outlines the membership categories and their access to common facilities and decision-making abilities, as well as the requirement for completing work obligations, communication about community agreements, and access for former members.

2007-08-08 Membership minutes

Minutes of membership meeting 8/8/07 by RO.
Present Robert, Mac and Jay.

1. Report on Art Fair. Approximately 25 signed interest sheet (down

2007-05-22 Membership minutes

Meeting at the Common House over dinner and after. May 22 2007

Next meeting Tuesday June 5 same time and place

Attending Robert, Malcolm, Jay


2007-05-22 Membership minutes

Meeting at the Common House over dinner and after. May 22 2007

Next meeting Tuesday June 5 same time and place

Attending Robert, Malcolm, Jay


2007-01-03 Teen Membership Agreement

A new role of membership called "Teen Member" which allows teenagers aged 13-18 to participate in community discussions and committees, but with limited rights and responsibilities. They must sign up for one job per month and attend at least half of a business meeting each quarter.

2006-09-10 Membership minutes

Meeting at 9:00am in the Common House sitting room.

Attending: Malcolm, Jay

- For now the only change that has been made is to limit...

2006-01-30 Membership minutes

Attendance: Mac, Katie, Jay, Kaelin, and the Harris crew, with a special guest appearance by Mel.rnrnMonkeys: Amy H.rnrn -- Send the survey out to Mem...

2006-01-30 Membership minutes

Attendance: Mac, Katie, Jay, Kaelin, and the Harris crew, with a
special guest appearance by Mel.

Amy H.
-- Send the survey out to Membe...

2006-01-22 Membership minutes

Attendance: Amy H., Katie, Mel

LiLACs [[Marketing]] Survey:
Amy H. and Katie discussed Amy's [[Marketing]] survey write up for the LiLACs newslette...

2006-01-08 Membership minutes

Membership [[Meeting]] Minutes 1/8/06

Attendance: Katie, Jay, Mac

(a) Get together with Heather to go over Go-Guide materials
(b) Tal...

2005-12-28 Membership minutes

Membership [[Committee]] [[Meeting]] Monday, 12-28-2005

Attendance: Malcolm, Jay

Discussed feedback from Process regarding how to bring a "Community...

2005-12-12 Membership minutes

Attendance: Mac, Katie, Jay

We discussed where we should go next with our childcare situation
since it wasn't really discussed in our big discussion ...

2005-11-28 Membership minutes

Attendance: Mac, Jay, Heather and Divya, Katie, with an appearance by Kelly.

Results of the facilitated discussion dot storm were discussed.

GO Guid...

2005-11-14 Membership minutes

Membership [[Meeting]] Minutes 11/14/05

Attendance: Mac, Heather and Divya, Jay and Seth, Katie, Melisa S. makes a guest
appearance at the end.


2005-10-24 Membership minutes

(This is only the 2nd half of the minutes).

Katie: A) Put Outreach description on the wiki and let Nancy Know that she will need to check ...

2005-10-10 Membership minutes

Attendance: Mac, Heather and Divya, Jay and Seth and Maggie, Katie

Old Monkey Review:
A) Has not compiled NMP so far - Not Done

A) Wil...

2005-09-26 Membership minutes

Present: Mac, Katie, Heather, Jay

Old Monkeys Review:
A) Was supposed to talk to George about his community
building idea involving after-di...

2005-09-12 Membership minutes

Attendance: Heather and Divya, Jay and Seth, Mac, KatiernrnMonkey: Heather: (a) Talk to George about Toastmaster's idea. Jay: (a) Finish the Trifold. ...

2005-09-12 Membership minutes

Attendance: Heather and Divya, Jay and Seth, Mac, Katie

(a) Talk to George about Toastmaster's idea.
(a) Finish the Trifold. ...

2005-08-22 Membership minutes

Attendance: Jay, Heather and Divya, Katie, and Mac.

Old Monkeys:
A) We are over budget for childcare, we suspect because of a miscommunic...

2005-08-08 Membership minutes

Attendance: Malcolm, Heather and Divya, Jay and Seth, Katie

1) Budget update
2) Outreach
3) Trifold
4) GO Guide/GO Intr


2005-07-25 Membership minutes

Membership Minutes 7/25/05

Attendance: Mac, Katie, Jay.

1) Decision on wording for master deed change about membership requirements (fist ...

2005-07-11 Membership minutes

Membership [[Meeting]] Minutes 7/11/05

Attendance: Mac, Heather and Divya, Katie, Jay and Seth, [[Jenny]] and Nick for 1st half.

Nick: Se...

2005-06-27 Membership minutes

Attendance: Heather and Divya, Jay, Mac, Katie, Sprout, and Nick

July 2nd
July 4th

Jay: Sign out the truck for July 4th 8am-1 pm

2005-05-23 Membership minutes

Attendance: [[Elph]], Jay, Katie, and Mac.

Monkey Review:


(1) Find out what F&L needs to do for the NMP and do it: Sort of Done...

2005-05-09 Membership minutes

Membership [[Meeting]] Minutes 5/9/05

Attendance: Heather and Divya, Katie, Malcolm

Monkeys Review:
(1) Find out what F&L needs to do for...

2005-04-25 Membership minutes

Membership [[Meeting]] Minutes 4/25/05

Attendance: Mac, Heather and Divya, Katie, Mel

Monkey Review:
(1) Willie photo gallery Done
(2) G...

2005-04-11 Membership minutes

Membership Minutes 4/11/05

Attendance: Mac, Heather, Katie

Monkeys Review:
(1) Email Katie the list of [[Meals]] NMP items and what has been...

2005-03-28 Membership minutes

Membership [[Meeting]] Minutes 3/28/05

Attendance: Mac and Katie

Mac: email Katie the list of [[Meals]] NMP items and what has been writ...

2005-03-07 Membership minutes

Membership [[Meeting]] Minutes 3/7/05

-- Attendance: Heather, Divya, Mac, Katie

-- Monkeys:
-- Mac: write description for membership project co...

2005-02-28 Membership minutes

Membership [[Committee]] [[Meeting]] 2/28/05

Attendance: Mac, Katie, Heather

(1) Will check in with George about childcare hours for...

2005-01-31 Membership minutes

Membership [[Meeting]] 1/31/05

Attendance: Mac, Katie, Willie for the first part

Monkeys: Mac: Do Bio, In the News, Our buildings, Send out email ...

2005-01-24 Membership minutes

Membership [[Meeting]] 1/24/05

Attendance: Mac and Katie

Old Monkeys:
Mac: will update brochure and arrange for printing.

-- resend o...

2005-01-10 Membership minutes

Attending: Mac, Katie, Melissa and Jason for first

Monkey: Mac will update brochure and arrange for

Website Progress reported by Jaso...

2005-01-08 Membership minutes

Membership [[Meeting]] Minutes 1/8/06

Attendance: Katie, Jay, Mac

(a) Get together with Heather to go over Go-Guide materials
(b) Tal...

2004-12-06 Membership minutes

Membership [[Meeting]] Minutes 12/6/04

Attendance: Mac, Mel, Katie

Went over old Monkeys:
-- Write meals billing NMP stuff with Mel. Pendi...

2004-11-23 Membership minutes

Membership [[Committee]] Minutes 11/23/04

Attendance: Mac and Katie
Old monkeys:
done (1) assign specific committees items to write for NMP

2004-11-08 Membership minutes

Membership [[Meeting]] Minutes
November 8, 2004

Attendance: Mac, Mel, Heather, Katie

Budget Review:
-- Talked about what we want to budget for. Will...

2004-10-10 Membership minutes

Membership [[Meeting]] Minutes -- Sunday 10/10/04
Attendance: Mac, Katie

Monkey Review:
(1) have Willie put "Units for Sale" section on firs...

2004-09-27 Membership minutes

Membership [[Meeting]] Minutes 9/27/04 7:15 pm Mac's House

Attendance: Mac, Mel, Katie, [[Jenny]] and Rostam

(1) have Willie put "...

2004-09-12 Membership minutes

Membership [[Meeting]] Minutes: Sunday 9/12

Attendance: Mac and Katie

Katie: Names and faces, ask Willie to put up another page on the web...

2004-07-12 Membership minutes

Membership [[Meeting]] Minutes
Monday 7/12/04

Sarah -- See marketing section
Katie -- [[Childcare]] attendance (cut paid providers?)
Mac -- G...

2004-06-27 Membership minutes

Membership [[Meeting]] Minutes June 27, 2004

Monkeys: Mel -- work with affordability/F&L
Katie -- kid activities. Ask Kelly about craft ...

2004-06-07 Membership minutes

Membership [[Meeting]] Minutes 6/7/04

Attendance: Mac, Mel, Nancy, Katie

[[Childcare]] Update
? [[Childcare]] guidelines seemed to go over well. No ...

2004-06-01 GO Meeting Childcare Guidelines

Guidelines for childcare both for the providers and the parents during Great Oak business meetings.

2004-05-10 Membership minutes

7:15 at Casa de Malcolm

Present: Malcolm, Katie, Nancy, Tom, Melisa B
Minutes by Tom

MONKEY: Mac will check in with tech ...

2004-04-13 Membership minutes

Membership [[Meeting]]
Tuesday, April 13, 7:30 p.m. at Mac's

Present: Nancy, Mac, Katie, Melissa B., Sarah

[[Childcare]] report: Katie talked with t...

2004-03-22 Membership minutes

Membership meeting minutes
Present: Mac, Katie, Tom, Adi, Sarah, Mel

MONKEY: Mac to contact Michael to see if a tree as a Sunward gift is...

2004-03-08 Membership minutes

Membership [[Meeting]]
Monday, 3-8-04, 7:00 in Common House Sitting Room
Present: Tom, Adi, Heather, Katie, Malcolm, Kelly, Melissa B, Keith

Item 1: ...

2004-02-09 Membership minutes

Membership [[Meeting]] Minutes 2/09/04

In attendance: Adi, Mel, Heather, Mac, Tom, Katie

Eagle Pointe/ Go Neighbors Report:
---Tyrone at Eagle P...

2004-01-26 Membership minutes

Jan 26, 2004. 7:00 at Malcolms
Present: Adi, Nancy, Malcolm, Catherine, Tom, Melissa B
Minutes by Tom.

MONKEY: Catherine will c...

2003-11-10 Membership minutes

11/10/03 Membership committee mtg, 7 p.m. at Malcolm's

Attending: Pam, Malcolm, Nancy, Tom, Mary SC, Sarah & Lisa
Minutes by Sarah

Topics discussed

2003-06-23 Membership minutes

Membership 6/23/03 at Pam's pool

Present: Mel, Mac, Pam

Cat's children issues
Common space survey
Caring functions
Unsung heroes
Window risk...

2003-04-28 Membership minutes

Membership meeting minutes 4/28 DRAFT

Membership meeting at Pam and [[Rod]]'s
In attendance: Pam, [[Rod]], Mel, Mac, Cat

Mac will 1) forw...

2003-02-24 Membership minutes

February 24, 2003, 7:00
at Pam & [[Rod]]'s

MONKEY: Mac will ask over email for folks interested/available in being

2003-02-10 Membership minutes

Membership [[Meeting]] Minutes 2/10/03-Draft

Please review for accuracy. Thanks, Mel

Attending: Mac, Mel, Pam, [[Rod]], Cat (herine)


1) B...

2003-01-13 Membership minutes

Membership [[Meeting]] Minutes for Monday, January 13,
Present: Mac, Mel, [[Rod]], Tom, Catherine, Pam (joining
us at 8pm)

A) New member...

2002-12-27 Membership minutes

Membership [[Committee]] [[Meeting]] January 27, 2002 at Pam
and [[Rod]]'s with Pam, [[Rod]], Tom, Mel and Mac attending.

Values Check
Child ...

2002-11-11 Membership minutes

membership [[Meeting]] 11/11/02
Present: Malcolm, [[Rod]] (for a while), and Melissa

We discussed:
Caring [[Committee]]
Child Care
Defining Membersh...

2002-10-28 Membership minutes

Membership meeting
Present: Malcolm and Diana

We talked about:
new member ceremony
videotaping and research on the community...

2002-10-07 Membership minutes

Here are the minutes. I need to make one amendment--I agreed to work on
both the meal proposal and the childcare document but I cannot
realistically ...

2002-10-02 Email list recipients

"If you're a member of GO, however that's defined, you can get all the email. If you're an associate member, which is as yet not defined(perhaps ex member, friend) you can get GO-talk but not committee email unless the cmtee has asked you be on it. the professionals too, they can be invited to join committees."

2002-09-23 Membership minutes

Membership meeting, 9/23
Kathy, Susan, [[Rod]], Diana (scribe), Malcolm (briefly by phone)

Next meeting: Oct 7 (instead of Oct 14) at Malcolm's

2002-09-09 Membership minutes

Minutes from Monday 9/9/02's Membership meeting.

Present were Malcolm, Kathy, Pam (meeting at Malcolm's house)

1. Buddies
We need to find out what t...

2002-08-26 Membership minutes

Membership [[Meeting]], 26 August 2002
Malcolm's house

Present: Kathy, Kelly, Mac, [[Rod]], plus Amy H. and Melanie joined the
membership Hall of Fa...

2002-08-05 Membership minutes

Membership meeting minutes 8/5/02

Present: Malcolm Sickels, Kelly Clark, Kathy Sorensen

1. Buddy to-do list
We discussed things that buddies (old me...

2002-07-08 Membership minutes

Membership [[Committee]] [[Meeting]] Minutes
Monday, July 8, 2002

I. [[Childcare Issues]]
II. Attachment List for New Membership Packet

2002-07-08 Membership minutes

Agenda: I. Childcare Issues II. Attachment List for New Membership Packet III. Buddy List IV. More Information/Changes for New Membership Packet V. Icebreaker for next meeting VI. Food/Pot Luck Reorganization

2002-07-01 Membership minutes

Membership meeting
July 1, 2002

Present : Diana, Malcolm, Susan, [[Rod]] and Kelly

Membership packet
Discussion around having the current ...

2002-04-22 Membership minutes

Membership Minutes
Location: Malcolms house
Notes taken by Diana K.

In attendance: Diana K, Kelly, [[Rod]]

o Kelly wil...

2002-02-11 Membership minutes

Membership Minutes
Location: Malcolms house
Notes taken by Diana K.

In attendance: Diana K, Kelly, Malcolm, [[Rod]], Susan (brief appear...

2002-01-28 Membership minutes

Membership Minutes
Location: Susans house
Notes taken by Diana K.

In attendance: Susan K, [[Rod]], Diana K, Kelly, and Susan Hope


2002-01-07 Membership minutes

Membership Minutes
Location: Susans house
Notes taken by Diana K.

In attendance: Malcolm, Susan K, Laura, [[Rod]], and Diana K


2001-12-10 Membership minutes

Membership Minutes
Location: Malcolms house
Notes taken by Diana K.

In attendance: Malcolm, Susan K, Sharon H., Laura, [[Rod]], and Dian...

2001-11-26 Membership minutes

Membership Minutes
Location: Susan Ks house
Notes taken by Diana K.

In attendance: Malcolm, Susan K, and Diana K

o Su...

2001-11-12 Membership minutes

minutes from membership meeting 11/12, Macolm's house

Present: [[Rod]], Laura, Malcolm (and Melanie) Sharon

Begin by breifly explaining mem...

2001-10-22 Membership minutes

Membership Minutes
Location: Malcolms house
Notes taken by Diana K.

In attendance: Malcolm, Susan K, [[Rod]], Laura, and Diana K


2001-09-10 Membership minutes

Membership [[Meeting]], 9/10/01 7 pm

In attendance:
Susan K. (host), Malcolm, [[Rod]], Susan D. (tardy, minute-taker)

Preliminary notes:

- Melisa w...

2001-08-12 Membership minutes

Joint Membership/Steering meeting, 8/12/01, 3-5 pm, Deb Alspector's

Who's on the cmtee (the people who responded to steering's call for

2001-04-16 Buddy system (instituting)

"The Membership Committee will assign "buddies" for new members."